Hearing the city of Palembang, at first glance you only know the terms Ampera bridges and Pempek. Well, this time we will provide one of the recommended tourist areas as your tourist destination when you go to Palembang.

Have you ever heard of “Benteng Kuto Besak”? . So this time we will discuss this historical area. Benteng Kuto Besak is a palace building which in the XVIII century became the center of the Palembang Sultanate.

The construction of the Kuto Besak Fortress was initiated and initiated by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I who ruled in 1724-1758 and the construction was completed by his successor, Sultan Muhammad Bahauddin, who ruled in 1776-1803. Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin is a figure of the sultanate

This building sits on a large area of ​​land, has a rectangular shape overlooking the Musi River, is 274.32 meters long and 182.88 meters wide. It is surrounded by a large wall, up to 9.14 meters high, 2.13 meters thick, with four strongholds (bastions in each corner). with a number of cannons made of iron and brass.

Kuto Besak Fortress has a wide courtyard, a great hall, a large gate. Inside there is also a Keputren, Paseban, a room for receiving guests, the residence of the sultan and empress. In the middle of the palace there is a pond with boats, a garden and fruit trees. Between the Kuto Besak palace and the Lamo palace, there is a road to the main mosque of the kingdom.

So, traveling to Kuto Besak Fortress turned out to be fun. There are also many snack vendors and various drinks that can quench your thirst. well, usually every afternoon this area is very crowded. Come on, just try a trip to Palembang.