Indonesia is a country that has plants that can be used as herbal medicine. One of them is papaya leaves. Papaya leaves are a type of vegetable that is processed at a young age into delicious and highly nutritious food. Besides being able to be processed into delicious food, papaya leaves can also be used as medicine for several types of diseases. Papaya leaves are shaped like human hands. If the papaya leaves are folded right in the middle, it will show that the papaya leaves are symmetrical.

Papaya leaves have a fairly diverse nutritional content including vitamin A 18 250 SI, vitamin B1 0.15 milligrams per 100 grams, vitamin C 140 milligrams per 100 grams of papaya leaves, calories 79 cal per 100 grams, protein 8.0 grams per 100 grams, fat 2.0 grams per 100 grams, hydrate charcoal / carbohydrates 11.9 grams per 100 grams, calcium 353 milligrams per 100 grams, and water 75.4 grams per 100 grams. Papaya leaves also contain carposide which can function as worm medicine. Papaya leaves contain high papain substances that make it taste bitter, but this substance is actually stomakic, which can increase appetite.

Papaya leaves, which have a bitter taste, can be used to treat several diseases, including:

Kidney stones, how do you wash some papaya leaves and then boil them, then drink the boiled water and end with drinking young coconut water (however, for those who have hypertension, this method is not permitted).

Malnutrition (a symptom of malnutrition in toddlers), by pounding papaya leaves with dadap serep leaves, and whiting then used as a powder and rubbed on the patient’s stomach.

Stomach pain during menstruation, how do I pound 1 papaya leaf together with tamarind and salt then add boiled water, the mixture is then squeezed, filtered and drunk during menstruation.

Dysentery, boil 2 pieces of papaya leaves in 1 liter of water along with 1 teaspoon of coffee powder, then filter it and drink one cup per day.

Diarrhea, the way is boiling papaya leaves with coconut oil, then the wilted papaya leaves are attached to the patient’s stomach.

To eradicate stomach worms, by boiling papaya leaves in 2 cups of water together with fennel pulowaras until it boils, then the boiled water is filtered and drunk every night before going to bed.

Overcoming leucorrhoea, how to do 1 papaya leaf that has been washed, boil it in 1.5 liters of water with 50 grams of alang-alang roots and pulasari, then the boiled water is filtered and drunk once a day.

Overcoming acne, do 2-3 old papaya leaves in the sun then mash and add water then the extract of the papaya leaves is rubbed on the affected area.

So, papaya leaves also have benefits for Indonesians. Apart from being a vegetable, papaya leaves are useful as traditional herbal medicines. Come on, get the best information only from