If you spend your time visiting Indonesia, there are many motorized vehicles circulating on the main roads in Indonesia. One of the vehicles that fill the roads in Indonesia is a motorcycle. Why do so many Indonesians use motorbikes? Here are some of the explanations that indonesiar.com has summarized below:

Motorbikes are a cheap and affordable means of transportation. This is something that is not surprising in Indonesia. In Indonesia, motorbikes are annually produced and sold with various brands and models so that people buy easily every year. The use of motorbikes in Indonesia is not only in cities but in rural areas. In remote areas, it is found that many people use motorbikes as transportation which can help facilitate work.

Second, the late provision of mass public transportation in big cities in Indonesia. So that many residents choose motorbikes for their activities. Third, there are many dealers and financing institutions that provide motorbike ownership credit facilities. The ease of owning a motorbike is also a factor in why the motorbike population is so growing,

Apart from these four reasons, many Indonesians are still reluctant to travel by foot even though it is a short distance. Why is that? Because there are still many Indonesians who drive recklessly and there is little access to special pedestrian paths. So, are you interested in this article? Hopefully this article can broaden your knowledge.