Tuak is a kind of Nusantara alcoholic beverage which is the result of fermentation of roomie, rice, or beverage / fruit ingredients that contain sugar. Tuak is a beverage product that contains alcohol. The raw materials commonly used are: rice or liquid taken from plants such as palm tree sap or palm tree, or legens from siwalan or tal trees, or other sources. The level of tuak alcohol on the market varies depending on the region of manufacture. Wine type of wine made on the island of Bali which is also known by the name Brem Bali, is known to contain high levels of alcohol.

Some places on Madura Island were known as palm wine producers, but Madurese did not have strong drinking habits. At present it can be said that very few Madurese drink tuak or arak. [Citation needed] The Tapanuli people (North Sumatra), especially the Batak people consider that tuak has healthful properties for the body because it contains the effect of warming the body. [Citation needed] the Toraja tribe in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, who have the habit of drinking wine. In addition to warming the body, palm wine from the palm tree in Toraja has become a drink in traditional rituals. So that every implementation of traditional rituals is definitely available tuak.

Rice wine

Tuak rice is a kind of Iban community drink in Kalimantan. Usually tuak rice is processed from a type of rice called “pulut rice” (glutinous rice). The rice will be soaked in water in a jar called “Tajau”. The process will take at least two weeks before it can be drunk and the rice will also be a food called “tapai”. But now the process of making rice wine is slightly different, which is not only made using sticky rice, but also mixed with sugar so that it tastes sweeter.

Usually rice wine will be served at certain celebrations such as the celebration of Dayak Gawai, Ghost Gawai, Kenyalang Gawai and so on. Apart from the Iban community, there are also other communities such as Bidayuh, Orang Ulu who also make palm wine in their own way. This type of wine contains alcohol which is enough to make you drunk when overdone.

Palm wine

Palm wine is usually produced by tapping the sap from the mayang (flower cobs) palm tree or palm tree. Mayang palm or nipah will be left to be fruit, cut and sweet water that drips from the cut bunches will be collected in containers, usually bamboo reeds. The juice of water collected and not yet fermented does not have an alcohol content and is usually sold as a legen snack. If left unchecked, the sugar content in it will become alcohol through a fermentation process for several days with an alcohol content of around 4%. Palm oil or palm wine can be taken after a few days.

Usually palm wine is served at certain celebrations such as wedding parties. If the palm or palm wine is left too long it will become sour and eventually it will become vinegar naturally without mixing foreign material.