When you enter a restaurant or other business where the business owner is a Minangkabau, we often encounter a picture of a grandfather who uses skullcap or cap. You might ask, Who is the grandfather whose picture is always on display at the restaurant? And really, if this photo display their business will be in demand?

Perhaps you think that this grandfather has a myriad of children or grandchildren who have businesses in all his professions.

Part of the traders explained that most of the grandfather’s photos displaying them were Pariaman people, West Sumatra. Sapardi, the owner of a Padang restaurant in Pekanbaru, revealed that he did not have any kind of relationship.

“We are not descendants of the grandfather, we are just amazed by the teachings of the grandfather. Most of the believers, who displays the grandfather’s photo will bring luck, fortune in their efforts. Because, the grandfather is known sacred by us, “he explained Minang accent.

From various sources explained, the name of the grandfather was Syech Kiramatulla Ungku Saliah, but better known as Angku Saliah or Ungku Saliah. Ungku Saliah is a cleric who came from Padang Pariaman Regency, especially District VII Koto Sei Sarik.

Ungku Saliah was born around 1887 and is a follower of the Shafi’i School. The name Saliah itself is a degree that he found when he studied tarekat from his teacher because he was a diligent child who studied and worshiped. He has a lot of students and followers.

During his life, from the story of old people and followers, Ungku has special privileges like the guardian of God. When someone asks for medicine from Ungku Saliah, sometimes he just takes what is visible in front of his eyes. Like for example leaves, grass, stones or others. Miraculously, the objects he took were effective in healing.

Another story that circulates is about the greatness of Angku in breaking down the body. My father mentioned being able to attend several different events at the same time. And the story that is most remembered by old people is that he once threw a pebble when a flood came in a village, the flood turned direction and did not hit the village.

Ungku Saliah died August 3, 1974 in the Sariak River, Pariaman. His grave was made unobtrusive, which is still visited by pilgrims. The admirers and people who know the story and the ins and outs of him also participated in saving his photo. The picture is also often used as a ‘talisman runner’ merchandise.

Unlike Jamari, a Padang restaurant trader on Jalan Imam Munandar. According to him, he was merely displaying a picture of the grandfather in his restaurant. The best-selling question or not I still submit to God. Because it is only God who regulates sustenance.

“If I join in, just attach this picture of grandfather. And I do not know exactly and certainly whether we can make our merchandise in demand or not, “he said.

Then, something else was delivered by Fardodi. In his shop since he stood, he has displayed a picture of the grandfather. He reasoned that displaying a photo of Ungku Saliah was his identity as an immigrant from the Pariaman people and a fan of Ungku himself.

Apart from the people who displayed their photos hoping to be runners, respecting Ungku Saliah by practicing his teachings was much better right?

Source : riaubisnis