During the Covid-19 pandemic, Mr. Yasonna Laoly as Minister of Law and Human Rights issued Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights number 26 of 2020 concerning Visas and Stay Permits in the Adaptation Period for New Habits. This regulation was issued on September 29, 2020.

According to the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, this visa and residence permit service for foreigners continues to apply health protocols. Visa and residence permit arrangements are carried out at the Indonesian Embassy or Indonesian Representative Office in the country of origin of the foreigner.

The application of health protocols is carried out during immigration checks of every person who enters and leaves Indonesian territory, including foreigners who hold visas and residence permits through immigration checkpoints (TPI).

Foreign citizens are required to follow the health protocol for entering and leaving Indonesia. Here’s what’s in that protocol:

Everyone is required to wear a face mask during immigration checks unless otherwise specified.

Everyone is required to have a health card (health alert card) and show it to border officials. You can check it at https://inahac.kemkes.go.id/.

Everyone is obliged to apply a guard distance (1.5 meters) anywhere for health and safety.

Everyone must wash their hands at all times with soap and water or hand sanitizer.

The person in charge of transportation equipment arriving from outside the territory of Indonesia is obliged to ensure that passengers have a valid Covid-19 negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test result.

Before applying for a visa and residence permit at the Indonesian Diplomatic Representative Office, foreign citizens must meet a number of requirements in order to enter Indonesia. Here are the requirements:

Foreign passport holders are required to have a valid and valid passport or travel document (at least 6 months before the expiration date).

The types of visas and residence permits mentioned in Permenkumham 26/2020 are Service Visas, Diplomatic Visas, Visit Visas, Limited Stay Visas, Official Stay Permits, Diplomatic Stay Permits, Limited Stay Permits, and Permanent Stay Permits.

What visas can be applied for during the adaptation period for a new habit? A visit visa for 1 (one) trip (B211) which is granted in the context of:

1. Doing emergency and urgent work;

2. Conducting business talks;

3. Make purchases of goods;

4. Testing skills for prospective foreign workers;

5. Medical and food assistance and support personnel; and

6. Join the means of transportation in the territory of Indonesia.

Limited stay visa that is given to carry out activities:

1. In working order; and / or

2. Not in working order.

Limited stay visas for work include:

1. As an expert;

2. Join to work on ships, floating equipment, or installations operating in the archipelago waters, territorial sea, or continental shelf, as well as Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone;

3. Supervise the quality of goods or production;

4. Inspect or audit the company’s branch in Indonesia;

5. Serving after-sales;

6. Install and repair machines;

7. Performing non-permanent work in the context of construction; and

8. Prospective foreign workers who will work in the context of testing skills.

Limited stay visas not for work include:

a. Conduct foreign investment;

b. Family unification; and

In Permenkumham 26/2020, it is stated that visa-on-arrival facilities were eliminated during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Then, when entering immigration checkpoints, certain foreigners are required to prepare a limited / permanent residence permit card (KITAS / KITAP) or afidavit card (for dual citizenship subjects). Meanwhile, the crew (conveyance crew) must have a crew certificate (CMC) and fill out the crew arrival and departure cards.

Meanwhile, the requirements for foreigners leaving Indonesia are as follows:

Foreign passport holders must have a passport with a valid and valid visa or travel document (at least 6 months before the expiration date).

Certain foreigners are required to prepare a KITAS / KITAP, or ABTC, or afidavit card (for dual citizenship subjects).

The crew (conveyance crew) must have a crew certificate (CMC) and fill out a crew departure card.

At some airports, RI Passport holders can use autogate, while at Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport, certain foreign passport holders can use autogate.

According to Permenkumham Number HM.HH-01.GR.03.01 year 2020 issued by Menkumham on October 15, 2020, the government has only opened seven international airports for urgent trips and the transportation of goods.

The seven airports, namely Kualanamu (Medan), Hang Hadim (Batam), Soekarno-Hatta (Tangerang / Jakarta), Juanda (Surabaya), I Gusti Ngurah Rai (Bali), Hasanuddin (Makassar), and Sam Ratulangi (Manado) airports. .

What needs to be considered for foreigners who hold visas and residence permits in Indonesia is the provisions for overstaying:

Foreigners who exceed the period of stay permit (not more than 60 days) in Indonesia will be charged a fee. Overstay fine of IDR 1,000,000 per day per person.

Foreigners who exceed the period of stay permit for more than 60 days in Indonesia will be subject to immigration administrative measures (TAK) in the form of deportation and deterrence (block).

Foreigners will go through the advanced screening stage in the interview room and pay an overstay fee (provided a receipt) at the local immigration office.

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