The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak has hit various countries in the world. One of the countries affected by Covid-19 is Japan. The case of Covid-19 in Japan has experienced a surge. The city of Osaka, for example, has been the hardest hit because it spreads the British variant of the corona (B.117). More than 96% of the hospital bed is full. This has led to an increase in cases of people dying at home, because the health facilities in the city are not being handled.

Launching Channel News Asia (CNA), from March 1 to May 31, 18 residents died of corona without being treated. Total, except for one case, were infected with B.117. Most of the victims were 60 years of age or older. But one death occurred in his 30s. Quoting NHK, in a nursing home in Osaka, 61 residents were infected. Of these, about 14 died while waiting to be hospitalized.

Quoting Worldometers, Monday (10/5/2021), Japan recorded a total of 640,044 infected people with 10,876 deaths. Yesterday, there were 6,247 new cases with 53 patients dying. Osaka recorded 668 additional cases daily. This is higher than Tokyo, which recorded 573 new cases in the last 24 hours. This increase in cases brought fear to the public. Moreover, Japan is planning to hold the Olympics in two months.

Several prefectural governors called for stronger emergency measures to be enacted nationwide at yesterday’s online meeting. Previously, emergency declarations had been announced in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo until May 31. Japan has recorded a surge in corona four times. Namely April 2020, August 2020, then January 2020 and now. From the JHU CSEE Covid-19 data, the Japanese corona curve for January to May shows the U curve. As of May 10, the average daily case for seven days reached 5,000 cases.

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