Every country in this world, of course, has its own national anthem. The song Indonesia Raya is the national anthem of the Indonesian state. Indonesia Raya songs, music and texts were created by Wage Rudolf Soepratman. The national anthem is a sacred and sacred song.

According to Anthony C. Hutabarat in the book ‘Straightening the History and Life History of Wage Rudolf Soepratman: Creator of the National Anthem “Indonesia Raya” and National Hero “, he explained that after WR Soepratman read an article in a magazine published in Solo, Central Java called Timbul which contained” It would be nice if there was a young Indonesian who could compose the national anthem, because other nations already have their own national anthem.

“Since then W.R Soepratman began writing the text of the song Indonesia Raya. The song Indonesia Raya was born in mid-1928. The song Indonesia Raya was first played on October 28, 1928, to be precise at the 1st Indonesian Youth Congress. At that time, the audience was amazed by the song written by W.R. Soepratman was played. It was as if the audience who heard it had been seething by the fire of the fighting spirit of “Free Indonesia” !.

It was at the Second Indonesian Youth Congress that it was decided that the song Indonesia Raya would become Indonesia’s national anthem and an official Indonesian song that must be sung during important ceremonies. In 1944, the Indonesian National Anthem Committee was formed chaired by Bung Karno and its members Ki Hajar Dewantara, Achiar, Sudibyo, Darmawidjaja to Mr. Oetojo. There were four decisions issued by the National Anthem Committee on September 8, 1944:

1. If the national anthem of Indonesia Raya is sung just one couplet, then the repetition is sung twice. If three couplets are sung the repetition is sung once, but the third couplet is sung twice.

2. When raising the Red and White flag, the national anthem of Indonesia Raya must be played at a fast size 104. When marching, use it according to the quick needs of 1-2-120.

3. The word “all” is replaced by “all”. Notes plus “do”.

4. The word “refein” is replaced by “repetition”. The popularity of the song Indonesia Raya made the Netherlands nervous. They are afraid that the song will raise the spirit of independence. And for 14 years the Dutch East Indies Government forbade the Indonesian people to sing the song Indonesia Raya. After the Japanese army occupied Indonesian territory and seized power from the Dutch. In 1944 the song with the lyrics “Indones, Indones, Merdeka Merdeka!” allowed to be sung again at official meetings and ceremonies. Come on, get other interesting information from Indonesiar.com.