The Corona virus from India has been found in Singapore so that the Singaporean government is implementing more strict steps to stem the spread of the corona. This is the first tightening that has been carried out after easing in June 2020.

Starting May 7, travelers from high-risk countries will be quarantined for 21 days, up from 14 days previously. The rules apply specifically to high-risk countries such as India, UK, South Africa, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Especially travelers from Fiji and Vietnam, they will be allowed to complete seven of the last 21 days of home quarantine. However, this rule does not apply to migrants from Australia, Brunei Darussalam, China, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

From 8 May to 30 May, Singapore will also limit its community gathering activities. A social gathering can only be attended by a maximum of five people.

The number of employees who entered the office from 75% to 50%. Testing will also be carried out at certain meeting events, including weddings, services, conferences and performances. The indoor gym will be closed. Museums and libraries will only operate 50%.

This followed the discovery of an Indian “malignant” variant among the country’s local cases of transmission. The variant B.1.617 contains multiple mutants.

This variant was clarified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a “variant of interest” last week. That is, it is generally defined as a mutated strain that is more infectious, lethal and resistant to vaccines and medical treatments.

Launching CNBC International, Singapore reportedly detected 10 local cases of the Indian variant. Seven cases are in three active clusters that are now in Singapore.

Singapore divides corona cases in its country, into three, namely local transmissions, imports and dormitories for migrant workers. Yesterday there were five cases of local transmission in Singapore.

This is the result of tracing cases of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital (RS), the largest cluster in the country today. The virus spreads from a nurse and infected a number of patients and other medical personnel.

Singapore recorded 12 imported cases while zero migrant worker cases. This brings a total of 17 new cases in the country. From Worldometers, to date, a total of 61,235 Singaporeans have been infected with the corona since the outbreak struck. The total number of deaths reached 31 people.

Previously, the B.1.617 variant was one of the factors for the “tsunami” of the Indian corona. Cases have doubled in Bollywood. As of Tuesday, new daily cases were still in the range of 350 thousand cases. This made the country, within 13 days, have recorded a total of 20 million cases of corona since the first time the pandemic struck. Come on, adhere to health protocols and keep it clean.