Lamongan is an area in Indonesia that has delicious culinary delights. This area is famous for its delicious culinary delights. Apart from Soto Lamongan, there are several delicious traditional foods, one of which is Sego Boranan. What is Sego Boranan?

Sego boranan is a traditional Lamongan food in the form of rice, spices, urap-urap, peanut brittle, and other side dishes such as soft (deep fried flour) and pletuk (peanut and aking rice crumbs). It is usually served with pincuk leaves and uses a woven bamboo rice container.

The word boranan itself comes from a rice container made of woven bamboo. Usually this place is carried by carrying a scarf. For residents of Lamongan, sego boranan has been known as nasi boran. We can only get this culinary in Lamongan. So, we will never be able to meet sego boranan in other areas.

If you want to buy sego boranan, in one portion there is regular rice served with a variety of side dishes that the buyer can choose. Meanwhile, you can add milkfish, shrimp, salted egg, anchovies, chicken meat, tofu, offal, tempeh, omelette, and others. After that, then given additional fresh vegetable anointing as we usually encounter when eating pecel rice dishes, given the anointing of grated coconut plus chili sauce. Only then is smeared with a special sauce that gives it a spicy taste.

The ingredients for the broth consist of galangal, ginger, shrimp paste, kaffir lime, boiled cayenne pepper, raw rice soaked as a thickener, grated coconut, shallots, garlic, pepper, sugar, and salt. Meanwhile, vegetable ointment sauce is usually made from onions, garlic, salt, red chilies, flavorings, and grated coconut. The cooking is done in a unique way, not steamed but left raw, but heated with kreweng, a kind of square-shaped clay and baked to produce smoke, and it actually creates quite a pleasant aroma.

There are still special side dishes in sego boranan that we cannot find in other culinary delights, namely Sili Fish. Sili fish is a type of freshwater fish that can only be found living wild in swamps or rivers. This fish cannot be developed en masse yet. So, naturally, the price is more expensive to be able to taste it with sego boranan.

Well, what’s unique is that we can taste this culinary by lesehan for 24 hours in the city of Lamongan. But unfortunately, Nasi Boran is still as unknown outside Lamongan as Soto Lamongan. For the price of one portion, it costs around Rp.10 thousand. But if you want to try the Sili Fish side dish, then the regular sego price will be IDR 15 thousand to IDR 25 thousand, depending on the size of the fish.

This traditional food since 1944 has been known as Nasi Boran. Initially there was only one seller, but in 1945 other rice sellers began to grow. Boran rice sellers at the beginning of its appearance came from Kaotan Hamlet, Sumberejo Village, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency.

Sego Boranan is a traditional Lamongan food originating from the village of Sumberejo, Kota District. In this village, many of its residents become wholesale sego sellers in almost every corner of the city of Lamongan. There are even residents who for 15 years, and some have been selling sego boranan for generations.

How to cook this traditional food with firewood and the characteristic of Sego Boranan using Sili Fish. Sili fish is a fish that is hard to find in Lamongan and the price is also more expensive than chicken. So, are you interested in eating this delicious food? Come on, visit Indonesia and enjoy a variety of delicious culinary delights from Indonesia. Continue to be a loyal reader of articles from