Love for a partner is certainly a basic right for someone. In a romantic relationship, every human being loves his partner, of course, never loves a partner without the need to look at the differences and races of the partners, including their citizens. So, how do you marry a partner who is an Indonesian citizen?

For couples who are married in different countries such as Indonesian citizens with other citizens, there are conditions that must be followed. Maybe some of these requirements are a little more complicated and take a while to prepare. This is because various documents from both countries are required.

Various preparations must be made for couples who want to get married, especially regarding documents. There are also a number of conditions that must be met so that the marriage can run smoothly.

So, for marriage among Indonesian citizens, preparation may be relatively short and easy because the various requirements requested are not too complicated.

However, for couples who are married from different countries (Indonesian and foreigners), the requirements requested will be a little more complicated and require a long time to prepare. This is because various documents from both countries are required.

The processing of various marriage documents between Indonesian citizens and foreigners will take quite a long time, depending on the performance of the embassy and also other immigration matters.

Therefore, various documents must be completed before taking care of various other needs which can be done in a short time.

1. Documents for foreign nationals:

CNI (Certificate of No Impediment) aka single letter, which is a certificate stating that you can marry and will marry an Indonesian citizen. This letter is issued by the competent authority in the country, such as an embassy

Photocopy of national identity card / identity card from the country of origin of the prospective husband or wife

Photocopy of passport

Photocopy of birth certificate

Certificate not currently married

Divorce Certificate if ever married

Death certificate of married partner if he dies

Current domicile certificate

Photographs 2 × 3 (4 sheets) and 4 × 6 (4 sheets)

For marriages at the Office of Religious Affairs (for those who are Muslim) must include a certificate of conversion to Islam if previously a non-Muslim

Requirements that must be met to get CNI from a foreign embassy

Latest (original) birth certificate

Photocopy of identity card from country of origin

Photocopy of passport

Proof of residence or domicile letter (can be a photocopy of telephone or electricity bill)

Marriage form from the embassy concerned

So, all these letters must be translated into Indonesian by a sworn translator. Then legalized by the foreign national embassy in Indonesia.

2. Documents for Indonesian citizens:

A cover letter for the RT / RW stating that there is no obstacle to getting married.

Forms N1, N2, and N4 from Kelurahan and Kecamatan

Special N3 form for married at KUA (bride’s consent letter which must be signed by the bride and groom)

Photocopy of KTP

Photocopy of Birth Certificate

Data on the parents of the prospective bride and groom

Photocopy of Family Card

Data on two marriage witnesses and photocopies of their identity card

Photographs 2 × 3 (4 sheets) and 4 × 6 (4 sheets)

Proof of payment of Land and Building Tax last

Prenup (pre-marriage agreement)

Indonesian Citizen Documents requested by the Foreign Embassy:

Original and photocopy of birth certificate

Photocopy of Identity Card

Photocopy of letters N1, N2 and N4 from the Kelurahan

Photocopy of prenup (if any)

Before submitting all of these required documents to the embassy, ​​it is better if they are photocopied first as holding data. This is because later the embassy will not return the document.

After all these requirements are met, the next process is to wait for news from the embassy. Hopefully this information can be useful for you. Come on, get interesting information and add insight from