There used to be a young man who lived alone. His name is Chopsticks. He lives in a small house left by his parents. When he was still alive, Penyumpit’s father often owed a debt to the village head, Pak Raje. Pak Raje is a very rich man, but evil and cunning. Penyumpit’s father’s debt was never paid off because Mr. Raje always doubled it. Even though both of Penyumpit’s parents were gone. However, Pak Raje did not consider his father’s debt paid off. Penyumpit must pay off his father’s debt by looking after Pak Raje’s rice fields, whose rice fields have started to turn yellow. Chopsticks have to watch it day and night.

“Hi Penyumpit, be careful with my rice field. If my rice fields are damaged, I will fine you. You have to pay for all the damage, “said Pak Raje before Penyumpit left for the rice fields. In fact, Pak Raje knows, it is very likely that his rice fields could be damaged by being entered by wild boars.

When one task is completed, Pak Raje will give him a new one. Now the task of Penyumpit is quite heavy, if during the day he has to reap rice that is ready to harvest. At night, he has to protect the fields so that they are not damaged by wild boars.

It has been seven days that Penyumpit has done its job well. On the eighth day, while sitting on the gliding hedge, Pak Raje’s rice fields, a figure of a wild boar entered Pak Raje’s rice fields. Chopper deftly threw the spear he was carrying at the wild boar.

From a distance, a wild boar screamed in pain. As it turned out, the spearhead hit the boar’s leg. Chopsticks quickly ran towards the wounded boar. However, the wild boar was gone. There were only drops of blood from the boar’s body that were scattered along the road.

Chopsticks followed the trail of the blood droplets into the forest. He wanted to find out where the wild boars were hiding. The longer he went deeper into the forest, until one time Penyumpit was shocked by the change of the pig he liked into a beautiful princess. He was silent for a moment as if he could not believe what he saw.

“O beautiful princess, were you the pig who was injured earlier?” asked Chopper. “Right …… I was the one who was transformed into a pig. My name is Putri Malam, said the beautiful girl, moaning in pain. I’m sorry Princess. I hurt you. Let me help treat the wound on your leg, “said Penyumpit offering to help.

They carefully and slowly cleaned the wound and stopped the blood flowing on Princess Malam’s feet. He used the surrounding herbs that had medicinal properties to heal the princess’s wounds. The next day, Putri Malam was able to walk again. As a token of gratitude, he gave some packages containing turmeric, nyatoh fruit, simpur leaves and jering fruit to Penyumpit.

Remember! You can only open the package after you get home, ”the princess ordered.

The chopsticks finally returned home and obeyed Princess Malam’s message. When he arrived home, he immediately opened the package. To his surprise, the package containing the spices had turned into gold, diamonds, gems, and diamonds.

The blowpipe is now a very rich person. Then, he went to Pak Raje’s house to pay all the debts of his late father. Apart from that, he was also free from the arbitrary actions of Pak Raje who worked him day and night.

Pak Raje can’t stop thinking that Penyumpit can pay off his late father’s large debts. “Where did you get this much money? Maybe you have stolen. I don’t want to accept haram property, ”said Pak Raje. Sorry sir, I never stole from anyone. I got this halal.

There is a beautiful princess who is kind to give it all to me. ” Chopsticks explained. “Princess…? Who is who? ” asked Pak Raje curiously. Chopsticks explain the events of that night. He said everything to Pak Raje until he got a package from the Night princess whose contents had been turned into valuables. It seems that Pak Raje is interested in getting the treasure the easy way.

Pak Raje secretly wanted to imitate what the Penyumpit had done. He wanted to guard his rice fields and then spear the wild boar into his rice fields. Pak Raje followed the wounded pig and into the forest. In the forest he treated a wounded boar. After that hehehhe … he will get abundant wealth.

That night, Pak Raje carried out his wish. He looks after his rice fields. But because he was not used to watching the night, he was sleepy and fell asleep. When he fell asleep, dozens of big boars attacked him repeatedly. Some were butting there were those who stepped on Mr. Raje’s body. Pak Raje died miserably with his body torn here and there.

The next day the news of Pak Raje’s death spread throughout the village. Pak Raje’s eldest daughter told the incident to Penyumpit. Chopsticks were surprised to hear that Pak Raje died because he followed his footsteps to spear a wild boar. Chopsticks came to Pak Raje’s house. There, ja saw Pak Raje’s body which was no longer intact.

Even though Pak Raje always acted badly on the blowpipes, it was never a grudge. With good intentions, Penyumpit tried to help Pak Raje by saying special prayers and mantras to ask the gods for Mr. Raje’s life again.

Wonderful ! The prayer for the blowpipe was finally granted. Pak Raje’s body fused by itself. Pak Raje’s wounds were healed and he came back to life. Pak Raje felt ashamed of Penyumpit because he was always doing bad things.

Hi chopsticks, I am sorry for all my mistakes. I have wronged you and your family. As my gratitude to you, you married it to my son, ”said Pak Raje Dada Penyumpit.

A few days later, Penyumpit married Derempuan Pak Raje. Now Chopsticks become rich people. He lives happily with his wife. Pak Raje was also a kind and not arrogant person. When he was getting older, Pak Raje asked the Penyumpit as the village head to replace his position.