In Indonesia, there are lots of delicious culinary delights in various cities. Culinary Malang City is not only known for its bakwan or rawon culinary delights, but there is one more special menu. Nasi buk is his name. This rice snack mixed with beef offal with the typical spices of jackfruit, bamboo shoots (young bamboo), and medol was originally brought by residents from Madura.

Now, nasi buk has become a culinary hallmark of Malang, even to the side of Surabaya. Syahdan, it turned out that the nasi buk snack was brought from Banjeman Village, Bangkalan, when a number of people from that village moved to Malang and lived in the Kota Lama area, precisely at Gang Madiun, Jl Laksamana Martadinata. It was in the alley that rice buk gradually appeared which was in fact favored by many circles. In particular, for breakfast.

Before they started selling at the warung, apparently this nasi buk was being sold around the corner. Rice and side dishes are placed in rattan baskets and carried.

Once upon a time, the Chinatown area and the Old City became one of the places that the food seller often passed. Who would have thought, that culinary name came from the greeting of buyers who called him ‘buk’. In East Java, the greeting ‘Buk’ is a typical nickname for Madurese women.

There are a number of legendary nasi buk stalls around Malang, such as Nasi Buk Matinah at Kota Baru Station, Nasi Buk Araya at Blimbing Housing, and rows of nasi buk stalls in front of Panti Nirmala Hospital. In fact, reportedly, nasi buk stalls are now more prevalent in Malang and Surabaya than in Madura itself.

The ingredients of the buk rice are all locally sourced. So it is easy to buy in traditional or modern markets. This snack is actually like mixed rice like in other regions. However, the presentation is unique because it is added with serundeng. Well, what is typical is the main mainstay of the side dishes, namely beef offal ranging from empal, heart, spleen, tripe, pulmonary chips, jerky, to satai liver. You can feel the taste of the offal which is soft and tasty.

Even though they rely on offal, Nasi buk peddlers usually also provide fried chicken side dishes. So don’t worry for those of you who have high cholesterol, you can still taste this buk rice.

Are you interested in making nasi buk? Here’s how to process it. This recipe only describes the main side dishes of nasi buk such as lodeh bamboo shoots, yeast jerky, fried empal, and pulmonary crackers.

First, how to make bamboo shoot lodeh. Prepare the ingredients, cut 100 grams of beef tetelan into small pieces, 300 ml of water, boil 400 grams of bamboo shoots, cut into thin slices, halve one banana board, 10 pieces of cayenne pepper, 300 ml of water, 250 ml thick coconut milk from 300 grams of grated coconut , and five tablespoons (tbsp) of cooking oil.

Besides that, also prepare the spices that are mashed. The ingredients are four cloves of garlic, seven shallots, one tablespoon of coriander, two cm of kencur, two cm of turmeric, two large red chilies, four candlenuts, and ½ teaspoon (tsp) of shrimp paste. Don’t forget that the complementary seasoning consists of two bay leaves, two cm galangal digeprek, ½ tbsp sugar, and one teaspoon salt.

After the spices are available, the bamboo shoot lodeh is ready to be processed. The first time, boil the meat droplets until tender. Saute ground spices until fragrant. Add bamboo shoots, petai, cayenne pepper and complementary seasonings, stir until smooth. Pour the stir fry into the meat stew, stir. Pour the coconut milk, stir and cook until it boils. Ready to be served.

Second, for the ingredients of yeast jerky, prepare 150 grams of beef jerky, sliced ​​wide, 200 grams of half-aged coconut, shredded lengthwise, two bay leaves, 400 ml of cold water, and three tablespoons of cooking oil. Then, the spices that are mashed are five shallots, three cloves of garlic, ½ teaspoon of coriander, one teaspoon of grated galangal, two cm of turmeric, three tablespoons of tamarind juice, one red chili, two teaspoons of palm sugar, and one teaspoon salt.

First, prepare the yeast jerky, boil the meat over medium heat. Enter the spices, cook until the meat is tender and the spices are absorbed. Remove, beat several times, but do not crush. Then, fry the meat over medium heat until brown. Remove and serve.

Meanwhile, to serve fried empal requires 400 grams of gandik meat, cut in five crosswise sections against the fiber, 700 ml of water, and 400 ml of cooking oil. Not preparing spices that are mashed using the ingredients of five cloves of garlic, one tablespoon of coriander, one teaspoon of shavings of Javanese sugar, three tablespoons of tamarind juice, and two teaspoons of salt.

Third, prepare the ingredients for pulmonary crackers, as much as 250 grams of beef lung, 200 grams of hot white rice then mashed, 700 ml of water, and 500 ml of cooking oil. Then provide the mashed spices, four cloves of garlic, half a tablespoon of coriander, and one teaspoon of salt.

Before frying, boil the pieces of the lungs with the spices, cook until the water runs out, the lungs become soft, and the spices sink in, drain. Thinly slice the lungs, then coat both sides with hot rice, fry over medium heat until dry. Remove and ready to serve.

Please try this recipe. These side dishes are even more delicious to eat with hot rice and Madurese chili sauce. Of course, added with the sensation of side dishes of beef offal. While accompanied by a glass of hot fresh tea and the cool atmosphere of Malang city. Come on, visit Indonesia and get interesting information from