There are several types of food typical of Simalungun, one of which is Nabokatur Dayok or chicken (Dayok) which is arranged regularly (Nabinatur). The definition of “arranged” that is how to cut the body parts of chickens that are organized and arranged in a place like a chicken arrangement while still alive.

Dayok Nabinatur is usually served at traditional events or family events. Dayok Nabinatur has a philosophy / goal for life to be organized like the regularity of chicken dishes that have been arranged in such a way. Dayok Nababatur usually devoted (given) to someone (a group of people) as a form / form of gratitude and gratitude and prayer so that those who receive health given by God, have “order” in life and have enthusiasm in living it. In the process of giving Dayok Nabinatur these words are often mentioned like, “Sai andohar ma songon paratur ni Dayok Nabianur On …” which means hopefully like the regularity of this regulated chicken … “

As its name Dayok Nabinatur, this food is a processed food consisting of chicken meat processed with various types of spices / seasonings. Usually the chicken used is a native chicken as a symbol of courage, strength, enthusiasm, hard work, unyielding and authority.

Nabokatur dayok is also combined with other Simalungun special food namely Hinasumba, food made from processed chicken meat which is chopped and mixed with herbs / spices.