Indonesia is a country that has a variety of delicious traditional foods. One of them is called Lokan Laut. Lokan Laut is a typical Bangka food served in a very practical way.

Lokan itself refers to a type of seashell that usually lives near river mouths or in swampy vegetation areas where various kinds of aquatic plants are also planted. Lokan has a shape very similar to oysters.

Before cooking, lokan is usually taken in large quantities using a net. Lokan that has been collected is then cleaned and cooked with lemongrass water or oyster sauce and coconut milk.

Sea lokan sauce containing coconut milk sauce oyster sauce has a more delicious taste. Lokan Laut has now been given a touch of additional spices so that it has a sour and spicy taste.

Are you interested in trying to eat Lokan Laut? Come on, get interesting culinary references from Indonesia from