Ulos is a typical Batak woven scarf. This sacred object is a symbol of blessing, affection and unity, according to the Batak proverb that reads: “Pangihot ni hodong fibers, Ulos pangihot ni holong”, which means that if palm is a binder on the trunk, the ulos is a binder of affection between people.

Literally, ulos means a blanket that warms the body and protects it from exposure to cold air. According to Batak tribal ancestors there are three sources that give heat to humans, namely the sun, fire and ulos. Of the three sources of warmth, ulos are considered the most comfortable and familiar with everyday life.

Formerly the ancestors of the Batak tribe were mountain people, according to what history has pinned them to. This is due to their habit of living and farming in mountainous areas. To inhabit the highlands means that they must be prepared to fight against the chilling weather. From this, the history of ulos began.

At first their ancestors relied on sunlight and fire as a shield against the cold. A small problem arises when they realize that the sun cannot be governed according to human wishes. During the day the clouds and clouds often act unfriendly. While at night the cold gets worse and fire as a second choice turns out to be not so practical to use when sleeping because of the high risk. Because forced by an urgent need, their ancestors finally thought hard to find other alternatives that were more practical. Thus was born ulos as a product of the indigenous Batak culture.

Of course, ulos did not immediately become sacred in the early days of their appearance. In accordance with the natural law ulos has also gone through a fairly long process that takes a long time, before finally becoming one of the traditional symbols of the Batak tribe as it is now. Unlike the sacred ulos that we know, they used to be used as blankets or sleeping mats by the Batak ancestors. But the ulos they use are of much higher quality, thicker, softer and with very artistic motifs.

After becoming known, Ulos is increasingly popular because it is practical. Unlike the sun which sometimes stings and sometimes hides, it is not like a fire that can cause disaster, ulos can be carried everywhere. Ulos gradually become a primary need, because it can also be used as beautiful clothing material with attractive motifs. Ulos then had a more important meaning when it began to be used by traditional elders and village leaders in formal adat meetings. Coupled with the custom of the Batak ancestors who always chose ulos to be used as gifts or gifts to their loved ones.

In the mangulosi ritual there are several rules that must be obeyed, including that a person can only mangulosi those who according to speech or lineage are below, for example parents can mengulosi their children, but children should not mangulosi their parents. Besides that, the type of ulos given must be in accordance with adat provisions. Because each ulos has its own meaning, when it is used, to whom it is conveyed, and in which traditional ceremonies, so its functions cannot be exchanged.

In its development, ulos were also given to “non-Batak” people. This gift can be interpreted as a tribute and affection to recipients of ulos. For example, giving ulos to the President or state official, is always accompanied by prayers and hopes that in carrying out his duties he is always in warmth and affection for the people and people they lead.

Some types of ulos known in the Batak adat are as follows:

Ulos Ragidup

Yeast means style, and Ragidup means the symbol of life. So named because the colors, paintings and patterns give the impression as if Ulos is really alive. Ulos of this type is the highest in its class and very difficult to manufacture. Ulos consists of three parts; two sides woven together, and one center section woven together very intricately. Ulos Rangidup can be found in every Batak tribe household in areas that are still thick with Batak adat. Because in the traditional marriage ceremony, ulos is given by the bride’s parents to the bridegroom’s mother.

Ulos Ragihotang

Hotang means rattan, this type of ulos is also of high class, but the method of making it is not as complex as Ragidup ulos. In death ceremonies, these ulos are used to treat corpses or to wrap bones in a second burial ceremony.

Ulos Sibolang

It is called Sibolang because it is given to people who are responsible for mabolang-bolangi (respecting) the parents of the bride to mangulosi the groom’s father at the Batak traditional wedding ceremony. In this ceremony the bride’s parents usually give Ulos Bela which means ulos son-in-law to the groom.

Engaging a son-in-law means advice that he is always careful with his clan friends, and understands who should be respected; pay respect to all the relatives of the wife and be gentle towards her family. In addition, ulos is also given to women whose husbands have died as a mark of respect for his services during his deceased’s wife. Giving ulos is usually done during the mourning ceremony, and thus also be a sign for the woman that she has become a widow. Another Ulos used in traditional ceremonies is Ulos Maratur with striped motifs depicting birds or many stars arranged regularly. This motif symbolizes the hope that after the first child is born there will be the birth of other children as many birds or stars painted on the ulos.

From the cost of making it, ulos can be divided into two parts:

First, Ulos Na Met-met; length and width are much smaller than the second type of ulos. Not used in traditional ceremonies, only for everyday use.

Second, Ulos Na Balga; is a top class ulos. This type of ulos is generally used in traditional ceremonies as official clothing or as ulos that are submitted or received.

Usually ulos are used by blocking. worn on the shoulder like a kebaya shawl, or diabithon; worn like a sarong, or also by dililithon; wrapped around the head or on the waist.

Speaking of price, ulos with simple motives and manufacturing processes are relatively inexpensive. Ulos of this class can be purchased with prices ranging from Rp. 6000 to Rp.250,000 or more. As for high-class ulos with good quality ingredients and more complicated manufacturing processes, prices can range from hundreds of thousands to millions. For example the typical Batak songket used by the groom at a traditional Batak wedding ceremony, priced at Rp. 7.5 million.


Ulos now has a symbolic function for various things in all aspects of Batak life. Ulos become an inseparable part of the traditional life of the Batak tribe.

Mangulosi, is one of the most important things in the Batak custom. Mangulosi literally means giving ulos. Mangulosi is not just an ordinary gift, because this ritual has quite a deep meaning. Mangulosi symbolizes the giving of blessing, an outpouring of affection, hope and other kindnesses.

This woven fabric is a typical Batak tribe in North Sumatra, shaped like a shawl with a length of about 1.8 meters and a width of 1 meter, both ends dangling with a length of about 15 cm and making Ulos done by women they weave from cotton yarn or hemp.

The looms include:

Tundalan (Waist Belt)

Baliga Balak (Yarn Separator)

Langgiyang (Thread Guard Tool to keep it from getting tangled)

Patubobohon (A tool to measure the length of woven fabric)

Ulos literally means blanket, this culture is as old as the Batak culture which is familiar with 3 concepts of warmth, namely:Sun,, Fire, Ulos

Aside from being a body warmer when cold, ulos are often regarded as a talisman, which is believed to have the power to protect the body, which in Batak custom is called Tondi against evil spirits.

The color of the fabric also has its own meanings such as:

White (symbolizes purity and honesty)

Red (symbolizes heroism and courage)

Yellow (symbolizes rich / fertility)

Black (symbolizes sorrow)

For its use ulos cloth cannot be worn carelessly, where its use must be in accordance with the event such as at the event:

** Marriage

Uses Bright-patterned Idup Yeast Idos

** Funeral

Using the Dark-yeasted Hotang Ulos

The Batak people also recognize this Mangulosi ceremony as a ritual for Giving Warmth and Compassion to the recipient, and generally the giver of ulos is:

** Parents to their children

** Younger sister

** Hula-hula (family of men from women) to Boru (Sister).

Batak Ulos Type

It is also possible that the ulos type is still available below, if there are other types of Ulos besides below, please add it so that it cannot be known by many people, especially Batak people who do not know it yet.

Types of Batak Ulos available:


The highest degree of Ulos according to all Ulos according to Batak is ULOS RAGIDUP. The degree of Ulos is often used by the Batak people as a symbol in a Gedong or the color scheme of a building or house. Ulos, if we look at it, it is as if all of its features / shapes seem to live together in their harmony. And this is the reason why it is called ULOS RAGIDUP. Aragi means Life.

Ulos Ragidup is a symbol of life, and this reflection of life is a hope for the Batak people to live a long or longer life than older people before. So for the Batak people, the Suicide Action becomes the most stupid action and needs to be avoided in any condition. This is also one of the things that inspired the Batak people to have the principle of Let the Poor whack throughout their life’s journey, but still have to fight for life.

Usually this Ulos is put on as a scarf (Sitalihononton).

That is why there is the following example:

“Agia pe lapalapa, as long as in toru ni sobuan, agia pe malapalap, as long as ma dihangoluan, ai sai na boi do partalaga gabe parjujuon”.

The parts / names and meanings of ulos ragidup are as follows:

– There are two edges as a boundary, which explains that everything in this world has a limit.

– The two sides flank the three parts and are called “bodies”. The very end where the shape looks the same is called “ingananni pinarhalak”. Ingananni Pinarhalak is divided into two more, namely Ingananni Pinarhalak Baoa (male) and the desire of Pinarhalak Boru-Boru.

Part of the “body” was reddish black and followed by white stripes called “Honda”. The memory of the pinarhalak was a symbol of hagabeon, maranak and marboru.

There are still three more symbols there, namely:

Anting, is a symbol of hamoraon, because the initials are usually made of gold.

Sigumang = bear, which is a symbol of prosperity. Bears are animals that work precisely and efficiently, not much action.

Stone ni ansimun, symbolizes hahipason (ansimun sipalambok, taoarsipangalumi).

In the third gap of this symbol, there is another kind of flower called “ipon”, and the ipon-hole was earlier called “rasianna”.

How to mangarate = check good Life:

Ulos looks clear.

The fabric is neat and the size is correct.

Honda must be an odd number.

The number of ipons must be correct.

The ulos motive is rather complicated and according to the information, this ulos is the hardest to make Ulos.


The difference between this ulos and regular life is the “body” part. Ulos has a body that looks linggom = darker. Ulos is the most appropriate given to children who have the rank and have the power, with that, we can marlinggom = take shelter under its wisdom. We can also give this to high-ranking officials who come to our village. Silinggom life is not traded. But I don’t know if there are certain parties who do it Actually, this type of ulos will only be woven if there is an order. How to use it: sinampesampehon.


This is how our ancestors call this ulos, “On ma ulos ni Siboru Habonaran, Siboru Deak Parujar, first this is dohot parsorhaon dohot, pargantang pamonori, na so boi lobby na so boi hurang. The meaning is wisdom. Ulos is also referred to as the maranak siatur, marboru siatur, hagabeon siatur, hamoraon siatur.


Also called Sadum or Sadum Angkola. This ulos is probably the most beautiful pattern and beautiful color among all ulos, so this ulos is very expensive. The width of this Ulos is also quite wide among other Batos Ulos.

In terms of degree Ulos Sadum / Ulos Godang is still below Ulos RAGIDUP, but if the price problem, Ulos is much more expensive than Ulos Ragidup.

Ulos godang is usually given to our beloved child, which brings joy in the family. This is what is expected with the giving of this ulos, so that later the child will bring more and more good things / godang (many), achieve what he aspires to and get many and great blessings from Oppu Debata (God).

The meaning of Oppu Debate here is God Almighty, including for non-Christian Batak people, but the development of the times often the meaning of Oppu Debate is more aimed at Batak Muslims.

Usually Ulos Godang is often made of clothes and in addition the way to wear it can be with diabithon (worn), blocked (wrapped around the head or can also be tied or tied (wrapped around the waist).


This ulos is generally more diuloshon / worn / used in the adaptation party today. It is very graceful when this ulos is worn / worn / worn, especially if it is of the best motif. “POTIR SI NAGOK” became the best and most beautiful nickname of Ulos Ragihotang. These ulos include High Class and Expensive. How to make it is not as complicated as making other ulos like Ulos Ragidup.

There are several examples that can be used when manguloshon Ulos Ragihotang, namely “Hotang do ragian, barriers, Sihahaan gabe sianggian, molohurang sinaloan.

Hotang binebebe, hotang pinulospulos unang iba mandele, ai godang do tudos-tudos. “Tumburni rank, tu tumbur ni hotang, tu si hamu mangalangka, sai di si mahamu dapotan.

“Hotang hotari, hotang pulogos, gogo ma hamu mansari, asa dao napogos.

Hotang do bahen hirang, laho mandurung porapora, sai dao ma nian hamu nasirang, alai lam balga ma holong ni roha

Hotang diparapara, ijuk di parlabian, sai dao ma na sa mara, jala sai ro ma parsaulian.

This ulos is often used as a shirt, also used to cover the corpse of the deceased and also to wrap the bones in a funeral for the second time (mangungkal holi).

ULOS SITOLU TUHO (Ulos three branches, Tuho = tree branch)

The special feature of this ulos is seen in its gorg motif there are THREE (three) TUHO (Branch / Field of Architecture).

This Ulos depicts the symbolism of the Batak people, namely Dalihan Na Tolu (in Ulos it is often written “Paratur ni Parhundulon”).

After the presentation of Dalihan Na Tolu is given, it should mention / say “sitolu saihot” namely:

Pasupasu asa sai masihaholongan jala rap saur matua: “Sidangka ni arirang na so tupa sirang, di ginjang ia arirang, di toru iapanggongonan… badan mu na ma na so ra sirang, tondi mu sai masigomgoman”

Pasupasu hagabeon: “Bintang na rumiris ombun na sumorop anak pe di hamu riris, boru pe antongtorop”

Pasupasu pansamotan: “Bona ni aek puli, di dolok Sitapongan, sai ro ma tu hamu angka na uli, songon i nang pansamotan.

ULOS BOLEAN (Bolean = caress)

This ulos is given to a child who has lost his parents. Caressing, meant to remove the feeling of sadness (Mangapuli) so that the heart of a child who has lost a parent is resilient to face it.

ULOS SIBOLANG (Ulos for Services)

Ulos Sibolang is also called sibulang which is given to give respect for his services.

For example, a Ulubalang who defeats the enemy, or who can destroy predatory animals that disturb the peace of Man.

Nowadays, this ulos is given to Amang ni hela and this ulos is called “ulos pansamot na sumintahon” so that Amang ni hela can be a place to lean and take refuge.


“Na gogo mansamot jala parpomparan sibulang bulangan”.

Marasar sihosari, di tombak ni panggulangan sai halak na gogo ma hamu mansari, jala parpomparan sibulangbulangan.

Ulos sibolang is also often used to attend death ceremonies and is usually wrapped around the head of a widow (Namabalu) when her husband’s condition dies.


Often given as a pump ulos to carry a child, in the hope that the child who will wear this pump will continue to be accompanied by his parents, if in the past he said this ulos is often given to two lovers or young couples.

To the bride and groom, this ulos is given while saying a good word, “Giringgiring gostagosta, sai tibu ma hamu mangiringiring, huhut mangompa-ompa”

Usually this Ulos is worn by making a Shawl (Sitalihononton).

The use of Ulos Batak is usually done as follows:

Siabithononton (used on the body) namely Ulos Ragidup, Ulos Sibolang, Ulos Ragi Pangko, Runjat, Djobit, Simarindjamisi.

Sihadanghononton (wrapped around the head or can also be held) are Ulos Sirara, Ulos Sadum, Ulos Sumbat, Ulos Bolean, Mangiring, Surisuri.

Sitalitalihononton (wrapped around the waist) Namely Ulos Tumtuman, Mangiring, Padangrusa.