When Christmas Eve arrives, Indonesian Christian communities usually provide special special dishes. Karo is a roast pork. These snacks are more delicious because the seasoning and tenderness of the meat are perfectly combined.

If you don’t live in North Sumatra, it doesn’t mean you can’t taste it. With the karo roast pork recipe below, you can make it yourself at home. The method is easy and the ingredients are easy to obtain. Take notes!

1. These materials must be available

The main ingredient:

1 kg of pork, cut into pieces

6 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons soy sauce

3 limes

2 lemongrass stems

Patikala acid to taste

Salt to taste

Gota Seasoning Material:

250 ml of pig blood

5 cloves of shallot

3 cloves of garlic

5 red cayenne peppers

2 sheets of kaffir lime leaves

Andaliman to taste

Salt to taste

2. Cut the pork chops, then bake until cooked.com

Cut pork into small pieces, then coat the meat with lime juice evenly. Then, puree the lemongrass leaves and garlic, then pour sweet soy sauce. Stir until evenly distributed, then set aside.

After that, prepare the grill. Place the pork chop on the grill, spread with the finished soy sauce. Go back and forth the meat occasionally, so that it is thoroughly cooked. When done, remove and set aside first.

3. Make the spices of the veal

To make this spice, puree onion, garlic, chili, andaliman, kaffir lime leaves, and salt, then set aside briefly. Then, take paticala acid and season with pork blood. Add a little salt.

Add all the spices to the pan, cook the spices until cooked. If it doesn’t taste right, add it with salt. Remove when cooked.

4. Karo roast pork can be served

When the gota seasoning is ready, serve it with roast pork. The way it is served, the gota sauce can be poured directly into the roasted pork, or it can also be separated. Adjust to your taste.

Well, that’s the recipe and how to make karo pork roast typical of North Sumatra. You don’t need to go far to go there first to taste it. Happy cooking!