Pematangsiantar is the second largest city in North Sumatra with a population of 247,411 people. To date, 18 figures have been recorded as heads of government in Siantar.

Only 128 km from Medan and 50 km from Parapat, Siantar is often a crossing town for tourists going to Lake Toba. Currently, Siantar is determined to become not only a crossing city but a tourist destination. Here are some things about Siantar that you need to know.

The brief history of Siantar City from the time of the kingdom to the second level region

In the past, Pematangsiantar was a royal area based on Holing Island. Before becoming a level II region, Tuan Sangnaualuh Damanik became the last king of the Damanik clan dynasty in 1906.

Holing Island then developed into a settlement for residents including Suhi Haluan, Siantar Bayu, Suhi Kahean, Pantoan, Suhi Bah Bosar, and Tomuan villages. These areas later became the jurisdiction of Pematangsiantar City.

Holing Island became Kampung Pematang, Siantar Bayu became Town Center Village, Suhi Kahean became Kampung Sipinggol-waistol, Kampung Melayu, Martoba, Sukadame, and Bane. Suhi Bah Bosar became a Christian Village, Karo, Tomuan, Pantoan, Toba and Martimbang.

In 1910 the Pematangsiantar City Preparatory Body was established. Then on July 1, 1917 based on Stad Blad No. 285 Pematangsiantar turned into Gemente which had its own autonomy. Since January 1939 based on Stad Blad No. 717 changed to Gemente which has the Council.

During the Japanese era it was changed to Siantar State and the Council was removed. After the proclamation of independence, Pematangsiantar again became an Autonomous Region. Based on Law No.22 / 1948, the status of Gemente was the City of Simalungun Regency and the Mayor was concurrently with the Regent of Simalungun until 1957.

Figures born in Pematangsiantar

Pematangsiantar City is a city that has given birth to influential figures both nationally and internationally. One of them is the 3rd Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Adam Malik.

Adam Malik, who is also one of the founders of Antara news agency, was born in 1917 in Pematangsiantar. In addition there are also national badminton figures, Dick Sudirman, former State Secretary Sudi Silalahi and Lo Lieh, the legendary Hong Kong film star.

He won Adipura in 1993

Siantar City received the Adipura Cup in 1993 for its cleanliness and environmental sustainability. Meanwhile, due to the orderliness of its traffic control, the city also won the Wahana Tata Nugraha Cup award in 1996.

The industrial sector which forms the backbone of the city’s economy which is located in the middle of Simalungun Regency is large and medium industry. Of the total economic activity in 2000 which reached IDR 1.69 trillion, the industrial market share reached 38.18% or IDR 646 billion. The trade, hotels and restaurants sector followed in second place, with a contribution of 22.77% or Rp385 billion.

To be an education city with many quality schools

Education is also one of the pride of the city led by Hefriansyah Noor. Pematangsiantar has 160 Elementary Schools, 43 Junior High Schools, 28 Senior High Schools, and 7 Universities / Academies.

The quality of these schools cannot be underestimated. In fact, many parents from outside send their children to Pematangsiantar, in order to have a bright future. In addition, a number of academic awards have also been won.

Has tourist locations that are also educational facilities for children

While in Pematangsiantar, you can visit a number of locations that you will never forget if you have lived it.

The statue of Dewi Kwan Im is one of the locations to lose if you miss it while in Pematangsiantar. The statue with a height of 22.8 meters is recorded as the tallest statue of Dewi Kwan Im in Southeast Asia.

Next is Pematangsiantar Animal Park. This animal park, which is commonly called a zoo, is the oldest and best animal park in North Sumatra.

The animal park, which is now managed by Rahmat Shah, has more than 51 mammal species, 113 birds and 19 reptiles. In addition, there are hundreds of trees with explanations that are placed on the tree trunks.

Then there is also the Pematangsiantar Beo Park which is suitable for a weekend getaway with the children. This park was inaugurated in 2018 by the Mayor of Siantar Pematangsiantar Hefriansyah Noor.

Source :wartawisata