History of the city of Kudus (Kudus, the city of kretek, Kudus, the city of Wali, and Kudus, the city of students) In the north coast of Java, there is a small town. Initially it was named the Tajug area. Because around it there are many Tajug. The tajug itself is a very ancient traditional pyramidal roof with a rectangular floor and a single peak.

The tajug is believed to contain sacred things. At that time the local people embraced the Kapitayan faith. However, after Sheikh Ja’far Shodiq Azmatkhan (Sunan Kudus) preached in the area his name was changed to Kudus.

The name is taken from the place of his birth, namely Al-quds (Yerussalem). From existing sources, the commemoration will be on September 23, 1549 AD. So in 2020, the Kudus City will be 471 years old. This city is known as the city of kretek. Because in it there are many factories that produce cigarettes, for example the Jarum cigarette factory, the Sukun cigarette factory and many more.

Apart from being called the city of kretek, the city of Kudus is also known as the city of guardians. Because in it there are two Walisongo tombs, namely the tomb of Sunan Kudus and tomb of Sunan Muria. Apart from that, the city of Kudus is also known as the city of santri, because many santri from the region itself and outside the region earn knowledge in lodges located in Kudus.

One of the well-known cottages is the Yanbu’ulQur’an (Krandon) tahfidz boarding school which was founded by KH Arwani Amin and the Raudlatul Muta’allimin Islamic boarding school (Langgar Dalem) which was founded by KH Muhammad Irsyad.

Source : kompasiana