The Batak tribe is one of the tribes in Indonesia which still strongly holds the tradition of using clan names or family names. Simanjuntak is a Batak clan originating from the Toba sub-tribe. Simanjuntak is the clan used by the descendants of King Marsundung (Simanjuntak) to this day. The Simanjuntak clan originates from the Balige area, Toba Samosir Regency. The Simanjuntak clan is one of the largest clans among the Batak tribe, so it is known as “Simanjuntak na solot di ri” or Simanjuntak ri which means where there is grass (ri), there is Simanjuntak.
According to the lineage of the Batak tribe (tarombo), Raja Marsundung (Simanjuntak) is the seventh generation of Siraja Batak and the second son of Tuan Somanimbil. Raja Marsundung (Simanjuntak) has two wives named Taripar Laut Boru Hasibuan and Sobosihon Boru Sihotang
Through these two wives, King Marsundung (Simanjuntak) has four sons and three daughters, namely:
- Raja Parsuratan (from the first wife; his descendants were referred to as Simanjuntak Parsuratan)
- Raja Mardaup (from a second wife; his descendants are referred to as Simanjuntak Mardaup)
- King of Sitombuk (from his second wife; his descendants were referred to as Simanjuntak Sitombuk)
- Raja Hutabulu (from his second wife; his descendants were referred to as Simanjuntak Hutabulu)
- Sipareme Boru Simanjuntak (from the first wife)
- Siboru Hagohan Naindo Boru Simanjuntak (from his second wife)
- Siboru Naompon Boru Simanjuntak (from his second wife).
The descendants of Raja Marsundung have close ties with other descendants of Tuan Somanimbil; The three clans (Siahaan, Simanjuntak, Pohan and Hutagaol) hold firm bonds of brotherhood not to marry each other. Because Raja Marsundung (Simanjuntak) was the second son of Mr. Somanimbil, the entire Simanjuntak clan is considered younger by the Siahaan clan, and is also the elder to the Hutagaol clan. Therefore, every descendant of the Simanjuntak clan must summon older siblings when meeting the Siahaan clan and call younger siblings when meeting the Hutagaol clan regardless of age.
Raja Marsundung married Taripar Laut br. Hasibuan and Sobosihon br. Sihotang, therefore the Hulahula (mataniari binsar) of the Simanjuntak clan from Parsuratan is the Hasibuan clan, while for the Simanjuntak clan, the Mardaup, Sitombuk, and Hutabulu derivatives are the Sihotang clan. Hopefully the articles that have been provided by can add to your insight into one of the cultures tribes in Indonesia. Come on, get other interesting information from