Prambanan Temple is a Hindu heritage temple in Indonesia and until now the temple is still standing strong. Prambanan Temple is also recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site because this temple is the grandest temple in Southeast Asia and also has a beautiful building shape.

Prambanan Temple is currently a tourist destination and has many interesting stories and history in it. Anything?

1. Relics of the Medang Kingdom

Medang Kingdom is a kingdom located in East Java, and this kingdom adheres to Hinduism and Buddhism. Then they began to build their strength up to Central Java, so that we can find temples from the Medang Kingdom that have stood firmly to this day including Prambanan, Plaosan, Borobudur, Sewu Temple, and Mendut Temple.

Prambanan Temple has existed since 856 AD and was founded by Rakai Pikatan, a king from the Medang Kingdom who is a descendant of the Sanjaya Wangsa who adheres to Hinduism.

2. A place to worship Gods

Previously, Prambanan Temple was a building to worship the gods of Hinduism or they called it Trimurti. Trimurti temple consists of Brahmana (God of creation), Vishnu (God of preservation) and also Shiva (God of destruction). The Shiva Temple building is the largest temple in Prambanan, because Hindus highly exalt Lord Shiva.

Although currently Trimurti Temple is not used as a place of worship of gods, you can find out the origins of Lord Brahmana, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva through the reliefs in the temple.

3. In the past, Prambanan Temple was neglected

After Rakai Pikatan did not lead the Medang Kingdom, in 993 AD Rakai Pikatan was replaced by Mpu Sendok. When Mpu Sendok took the lead, there was a war with the Srivijaya Kingdom, resulting in the transfer of the capital from Central Java to East Java. As a result of the relocation of the capital city, heritage buildings of the Medang Kingdom such as the Prambanan Temple were abandoned and also abandoned at that time.

If you look at the remains of the ruins around Prambanan Temple, it is proof that previously Prambanan Temple was abandoned due to the relocation of the capital by Mpu Sendok.

4. Discovered by a citizen of the Netherlands and England

Once victorious and finally neglected, the Prambanan temple building attracted the attention of a Dutch citizen named CA Lons in 1773. Apart from CA Lons, Collins Mackenzie from Great Britain who was a surveyor from Thomas Stamford Raffles was also interested in the Prambanan temple building. CA Lons and Collins Mackenzie were interested in the beauty of Prambanan Temple and they also conducted research on the history of Prambanan Temple.

After being discovered by British and Dutch citizens, Prambanan Temple was also restored since 1880, and the restoration that has been carried out since 1880 still pays attention to the authenticity of the Prambanan Temple building. In 1950, President Soekarno inaugurated the Prambanan Temple which was completely restored.

5. Become a tourist place and also a world heritage site

In 1991, Prambanan Temple together with Borobudur Temple was recognized by UNESCO as one of the world heritage sites. Prambanan Temple is recognized by UNESCO because it is the grandest temple in Southeast Asia and the shape of the temple is very beautiful.

In 1992, the Indonesian Government was more serious in managing Prambanan Temple, and made Prambanan Temple a tourist destination. Now under the auspices of PT Taman Wisata Borbudur, Prambanan Temple and Ratu Boko Temple are one of the tourist destinations that are never empty of visitors and offer many facilities.

This is the article about the information about Prambanan temple that we have conveyed. So, for those of you who want to learn more about history, it doesn’t hurt to visit historical areas such as the Prambanan temple to add insight and strengthen your love for Indonesia.

Source : IDNTimes