Aceh Martabak is one of the traditional martabak foods that are typical of the Aceh region. Judging from its appearance, this martabak is different from martabak in Indonesia in general, as well as in terms of taste, this Aceh Martabak certainly has a very distinctive taste. Martabak Aceh is one of the most famous traditional foods in Aceh. Because of its unique taste, this food is very popular with the local community and tourists who visit there.

The uniqueness and specialty of Martabak Aceh

One of the uniqueness of Martabak Aceh is its appearance. If martabak in general uses its skin to wrap the contents of the martabak, this is different from Martabak Aceh which uses eggs to wrap the martabak shell. The appearance of this Aceh Martabak at first glance is almost similar to an omelette. But in the middle there is a martabak skin made of special dough. In addition, on the outside, there are also chopped pieces such as shallots and leeks for flavoring.

The Process of Making Martabak Aceh

To make Martabak Aceh, there are two things that must be prepared, namely martabak skin and egg mixture. Martabak skin is usually made from ingredients such as flour, butter and eggs. The process of making is almost the same as cake cane, which is to mix all the ingredients and stir into a dough. When finished, the dough is thinly fried until cooked and brown.

Then to make egg dough, it usually consists of ingredients such as eggs, salt, leeks and shallots. In addition, there are also those who add several ingredients such as onions, small shrimp, celery, and others, as variations. To make the dough, the method is almost the same as making an omelette dough, namely the eggs and ingredients are put in a container and beaten until blended.

After the martabak shell and egg mixture is finished, then heat enough oil in the martabak pan. After the hot oil, then pour enough egg mixture into the pan and widen it like making an omelette. After the eggs solidify, then place the martabak shell on top of the egg and fold the eggs according to the size of the martabak shell. After that, do the same process again for the opposite side until the martabak shell is covered with eggs. After that, fry again until cooked.

Serving Martabak Aceh

Martabak Aceh is usually served with pickles. These pickles are usually made from ingredients such as shallots and green chilies. For the manufacture of pickles, this is almost the same as pickles in general. Besides being able used as a snack menu, in several places, this Aceh Martabak can also be served with Curry Sauce.

Taste of Aceh’s Martabak

This Aceh Martabak certainly has a distinctive taste and is different from martabak in general. The savory taste of the egg mixture in the egg part, combined with the chewy taste of the martabak shell, certainly gives you a distinct taste sensation when you eat it. Besides that, combined with fresh pickles certainly makes the enjoyment of this Aceh Martabak even more complete. Apart from being a complement, these pickles can also reduce the feeling of being tired when you eat too much of it.

Aceh Martabak culinary

Martabak Aceh is one of the most famous traditional foods in Aceh. There, this food is very easy to find because of the large number of vendors selling it in martabak stalls, coffee shops, eating places, and even traveling around. So those of you who visit or travel to Aceh can easily find it. The price and taste problems are quite varied, because many sellers are selling this one food. So you need the right recommendation to enjoy it to your liking.

That was the introduction of “Martabak Aceh, Traditional Food From Aceh”. Hopefully it is useful and increases your knowledge about traditional culinary in Indonesia. Come on, try tasting this one food!