Indonesia has traditional food which tastes very delicious. One of these traditional foods is Gultik. What is Gultik? Gultik is an abbreviation of the word “Gulai Tikungan”. Gultik is a traditional food consisting of beef, coconut milk, bay leaves, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, cloves, sugar, salt, pepper, red chilies, shallots, garlic, ginger, turmeric, hazelnut, coriander, roasted cumin , nutmeg.

This traditional food is food that has a delicious curry sauce. In eating this food, gultik is eaten by mixing it with rice, soy sauce, chili sauce, fried onions, and crackers. This food has a delicious spicy aroma.

Gultik is a traditional food originating from the Sukoharjo area, Solo, Central Java Province. This traditional food is usually sold for between Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 25,000. So, are you interested in trying to enjoy these traditional foods? Come on, love traditional Indonesian culinary.