Indonesia has a variety of delicious culinary delights in each region. Of the various culinary delights in Indonesia, there is one delicious traditional food. One of the delicious foods is muku loto. Muku loto is a traditional Indonesian delicacy originating from the Nagekeo area, Flores Island, located in the province of East Nusa Tenggara.

Muku Loto has existed since the days of the ancestors which was usually served at traditional parties, but nowadays it is also served at weddings and first communions. Usually, it is used as a vegetable by the local community. Muku means banana and Loto means destroyed, so basically this food is crushed banana.

The way to make it is quite easy, first is to peel the outer skin of the young banana but leaving the green inner skin. After peeled, the banana is cut into small pieces, about 3 cm. Then, you also cut the banana stalk into small pieces, as well as the meat that will be cooked with banana stalks and young bananas. Usually, the meat used is pork, but if you want something halal, you can also use beef or buffalo. Continue to simmer all ingredients until the texture is soft, thickens, and turns grayish in color. If that’s the case, voila! Muku Loto is ready to eat.

Well, because Muku Loto is usually served at large traditional events such as weddings and first communions, if you want to try, please come to these events, as well as taste this typical NTT culinary, as well as you can experience a new experience of watching a party adat Nagekeo. Because it is very rare to find a restaurant in Nagekeo that sells this menu.

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