Indonesian culinary is very diverse and delicious. One of the various culinary delights is Gatang Kenari. Gatang Kenari is seafood from the Ternate area which is categorized as a rare food.

Why is this food categorized as rare traditional seafood? Because this food uses walnut crab or walnut sticks. The walnut crab is a protected animal and has a small population. The uniqueness of this animal is that it can pick and peel its own coconuts.

But for the sake of preserving Maluku specialties, several restaurants still serve this delicious menu. Therefore, not just any restaurant can sell it, because they have to get a special permit from the local government.

This food has a price that is quite fantastic and you need to spend more to eat Gatang Kenari. Are you interested in eating this food? Come on, visit Indonesa and get other interesting information from