Yogyakarta is never ending to be traced, one of which is in Ganjuran Village. If all this time tourist destinations in the city of Yogyakarta are still centered in the palace area, the coast of Gunung Kidul, and educational tours that are starting to be made in the middle of the city of Yogyakarta, Bantul also has many tourist charms that deserve to be the main destination if you visit the city of Gudeg.

Actually, for local residents who live in the city of Yogyakarta, Candi Ganjuran is not a foreign place. in fact, it is already a tourist destination for many local residents. No wonder, this place is always crowded. The location is located in Sumbermulyo Village, Bambanglipuro District, Bantul Regency. Where, to reach it, you need about 45-60 minutes from downtown Yogya.

Ganjuran Church was built in 1924 by a wealthy Dutch merchant, Josep and Julius Schmuthzer, who owned a sugar factory in the village of Ganjuran. Apart from the church, they have also built a number of special educational facilities, for men and women.

After 3 years after the church was built in Javanese architecture, the church carver built a temple, which is now known as Candi Ganjuran. The temple that was built was very thick with Hindu nuances, but still had a strong Catholic ‘feeling’. Where there are statues of Mary and Jesus.

To make Ganjuran Temple, take a stone from the southern part of Mount Merapi. While the temple door is made facing south. This cannot be separated from the strong Javanese culture, especially Yogyakarta, which strongly believes in the harmonization of north and south. Several years after Ganjuran Temple was created, in 1930, the Ganjuran Temple was finally inaugurated.

The old Ganjuran Church was finally destroyed in the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006. Then it was completely rebuilt in the same year. Still with the nuances of acculturation from Catholicism and Hinduism.

Where, the temple is carved with various reliefs like Hindu culture, but with the storyline of Jesus’ journey. With a mixed architectural style, between modern and ancient, but still prioritizing ancient Javanese culture that is very pronounced.

Visiting this place you can enjoy the beauty of culture, religion and natural tourism which are integrated very beautifully. Each corner has a Javanese carving that has a special meaning, representing the Catholic faith. For those of you who want to travel while learning history, you can hire a guide, who will be happy to take you to every detail of the Ganjan Church.

One of the charms of the village of Ganjuran and Candi Ganjuran is the existence of the Perwitasari spring water. This water is said to be called holy water, because it is believed to be a medicine to cure all kinds of diseases.

This water comes from under the temple, which is now for convenience flowed through a water pump. To be able to enjoy it, you can take it right away. That said, this water is very good for body and soul health.

Getting to Ganjuran Village is very easy. For those of you who use private vehicles, you can immediately follow directions from the GPS. However, if you choose to use public transportation, especially buses, you can get off at the Bantul terminal. Then, you can take a taxi or ojek to the village of Ganjuran.

Source :Berdesa