Processed chicken dishes are by far the most popular processed dish. The taste of savory chicken meat, when combined with the right seasoning certainly makes this processed taste even more delicious and appetizing.

Talking about processed chicken, processed chicken which is very popular lately is geprek chicken. Savory chicken plus spicy geprek sauce, making this processed into an idol. Moreover, given the processed geprek chicken has a pretty cheap price among the people.

Discussing geprek chicken, we also need to know what is the difference between geprek chicken and processed chicken of the same type, namely chicken squash and penyet chicken. Curious as to what is the difference? Consider the following.

Geprek Chicken

Geprek chicken is a typical Indonesian food. Geprek chicken can be found in almost all cities in Indonesia. The emergence of geprek chicken itself began in a large campus environment in the country both campuses in Bandung, Yogyakarta, Malang to Surabaya.

Geprek chicken is a crispy flour fried chicken dish which is then crushed or smoked together with onion sauce. Not only served with chili sauce, chicken geprek can also be served with contemporary chili sauce that has a topping such as mozzarella cheese, grated cheese, mayo sauce and tomato sauce.

Chicken Flakes

Chicken flakes are also a dish of fried chicken. This menu of cuisine began to be known to the public through serving at a franchise restaurant. Initially, chicken flocks hits in Jakarta but over time, chicken flocks have spread to various cities in Indonesia and even neighboring countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines and surrounding areas.

In the process of making it, the chicken meat is flattened by flaking and cooked, said with the yellow seasoning. After the chicken meat is cooked and the seasoning is absorbed, the chicken meat is then fried. Chicken flakes are served with chili sauce placed on top of the chicken.

Penyet chicken

Penyet chicken is a famous processed chicken meat originating from Surabaya, East Java. Generally, penyet chicken is served with red chili sauce, tomato sauce, onion sauce and other sambal, with fried tofu and tempeh, fresh vegetables and warm rice.

The manufacturing process, the chicken meat is revealed with the spices until cooked and their marinade is then fried. Fried chicken that has been cooked is then sliced ​​or flattened on the chili sauce.

So, do you already know the difference between some Indonesian foods that look almost like this at a glance ?, Do you know the difference between geprek chicken, flock chicken and penyet chicken? Hopefully this information is useful if you want to travel to Indonesia ..