Traditional Indonesian food called Sate is usually made from mutton or chicken, in Kudus Did you know that in Indonesia there is satay made from buffalo meat? Okay, this time will discuss satay made from buffalo meat.

Buffalo meat satay is one of Indonesia’s traditional foods originating from Kudus, Central Java Province. In the city of Kudus itself, many variants of buffalo satay are available from buffalo body parts ranging from intestinal satay, koyor satay, tongue satay, liver satay, and tripe satay.

This buffalo satay is served separately with a distinctive chili sauce which has a slightly sweet taste made from groundnut as a base. What’s unique about this shop is that we can take the satay spices as much as you like. The meat from buffalo which is used as satay has a texture that is quite soft and slightly spicy. The main seasoning of this satay is in the form of spices such as cilantro that penetrate the meat firmly.

Other seasonings in this satay are in the form of garlic, salt, cumin, coriander and secret seasonings from family generations. This delicious traditional food is sold for around IDR 40,000 to IDR 50,000 per portion with 10 skewers of satay.

So, are you interested in eating buffalo satay? Come on, share interesting information from to add knowledge to many people.