Bipang Ambawang is a typical processed food of the Dayak tribe in West Kalimantan province. This food, which is included in the non-halal food category, has become famous and viral in Indonesian society thanks to a video of the president’s speech, whose context is related to the prohibition of going home to the moment of Lebaran 2021.

When referring to the culinary treasures of the archipelago, there are two meanings that refer to bipang. Namely bipang or jipang without the word ambawang which is a snack in the form of rice cakes, or a typical Kalimantan bipang (lotus seed) which is similar to jipang, but made from lotus seeds. However, in the speech, President Jokowi clearly mentioned bipang ambawang, which is a typical Dayak culinary roast pork.

Bipang Ambawang is a trademark for the culinary business of processed pork from the Ambawang River in West Kalimantan. This trademark was registered on 26 August 2020 under the name Juniarto. This trademark sells a variety of pork-based foods, ranging from swivel pork, smoked pork, lard, to various processed pork snacks. However, the most famous is its famous roasted pork which is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Bipang ambawang processing usually uses young native pork aged 3-5 months. The pork, which weighs about 10-2 kg, is traditionally roasted in a charcoal stove for 10-12 hours, resulting in the perfect maturity level.

This culinary dish is usually eaten with sambal antuha, aka chili paste, typical of Kalimantan or kit iu, a sweet and sour caramel sauce made from sugar and sonkit oranges. The owner of the bipang ambawang business has also explained that the culinary preparations are made from pork or non-halal food categories for Muslims.

This is what makes netizens surprised by the intention of President Jokowi’s speech to promote bipang as a typical Kalimantan culinary which is said to be suitable to order as delivery during Lebaran 2021 because of the ban on going home.

The excitement of the discussion about bipang in the video of President Jokowi’s speech became a trending topic on Twitter Indonesia on Saturday (8/5/2021). Responding to the controversy, the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi emphasized that the video was intended to promote Indonesian culinary delights.

The narrative is aimed at Indonesian society in general, which consists of various ethnic groups, races and religions. Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi also apologized. He emphasized that there was no intention whatsoever from President Jokowi’s statement in promoting Indonesian culinary delights, including Bipang Ambawang.

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