Many tourist destinations in Indonesia have beautiful nature. One of them is Koka beach which is located in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. This beach is quite hidden because it is located 35 kilometers from the city center of Maumere, precisely in Wolowiro, Sikka. Because it is still hidden, Koka Beach is also rarely visited.

After successfully reaching tourist destinations in Nusa Tenggara Timue, you will be offered the beautiful white sand which is still very clean as well as the bluish sea water.

Not only the beach, in this tourist area in East Nusa Tenggara you can also enjoy the charm of other tourist beauty, namely Goa Lia Wioyang which is located on Rodja Hill. However, this cave which has a depth of about 500 meters can only be visited at low tide. Are you interested? Come on, visit Indonesia and make your best reference in finding your best travel plans in Indonesia.