Indonesia has a wide variety of delicious snacks. One of those delicious traditional foods is Banana Gapit. Banana Gapit is a traditional food originating from Balikpapan. Banana Gapit in the local language in Balikpapan has the meaning, namely banana flops. Currently Gapit Banana is starting to be difficult to find its existence.
Pisang Gapit is an authentic Balikpapan food, a snack type made from raw materials such as gepok bananas. The gepok banana is first burned over coals of charcoal. When the banana is half ripe, then the banana is pinched with a tool made of wood and then burned again until it is perfectly ripe.
The ripe bananas are then doused with a brown, jackfruit-flavored sauce made from a combination of brown sugar, coconut milk, and pieces of jackfruit. Interested in trying to eat this food? Come on, visit Indonesia and get interesting information from