Indonesia has a cultural religion. One of the regions in Indonesia that has a variety of cultures is the province of East Nusa Tenggara. What are the Indonesian cultures that originated from the province of East Nusa Tenggara? In the following we will discuss it. Please read this article!

1. Culture

East Nusa Tenggara or NTT is a province in Indonesia which is located in the southeastern part of Indonesia. The capital city of this province is Kupang, which is located in West Timor. This province has more than 550 islands and includes large islands such as Flores, Timor, Sumba, Alor, Lembata, Rote, Sabu, Adonara, Solor, Komodo and Palue.

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) occupies the western part of the island of Timor. Meanwhile, in the eastern part of the island, namely East Timor, which is the 27th former province of Indonesia, in 2002 they became independent as Timor Leste.

East Nusa Tenggara is commonly known as Bumi Flobamora because it stands for the names of the large islands that make up the province such as Flores, Sumba, Timor and Alor. In addition, many other islands are in it. East Nusa Tenggara has several sub-ethnicities within which have different languages ​​and customs. The following are the tribes and languages ​​in East Nusa Tenggara.

2. Ethnicity, Language, Religion of East Nusa Tenggara

East Nusa Tenggara province has several tribes such as the Helong, Dawan, Tetun, Kemak, Marae, Rote, Sabu, Sumba, Riung, Nagda, Ende Lio, Sikka-Kroweng Muhang, Lamaholot, Kedang and Alor Pantar tribes.


The people of East Nusa Tenggara speak Indonesian daily using the local dialect. Apart from using Indonesian, the people of East Nusa Tenggara speak the local language. There are 68 regional languages ​​in this province.


The majority of the people of East Nusa Tenggara province are Catholic with a percentage of 55.39%, Protestant Christianity 34.32%, Islam 9.05%, Marapu 1.05%, Hindu 0.18%, Buddhist 0.01%

Those are some of the tribes, languages ​​and religions that exist in this area. Now we discuss the cultural wealth found in East Nusa Tenggara.

3. Traditional House

The people of NTT have several traditional houses that people rarely know about, one of which is the traditional house:

Traditional House of Saoata Musalakirana

This traditional house is usually only occupied by the village head, district head, or other officials. This house is the same as other traditional houses in the form of stilts.

In this part of the traditional house there is a long hall whose poles stand from a large stone foundation and do not need to be buried in the ground, this hall is used as a place to receive guests.

Mbaru Niang Traditional House

Mbaru Niang is a traditional house with 5 levels. This traditional house is located in Wae Rebo Village, Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. The uniqueness of this house lies in its unusual shape. The shape of this house is conical on the roof until it almost touches the ground. This roof is made of dry palm leaves.

The levels of the 5 levels of this house function as:

1. The first level of this traditional house is called lutur, which is used as a place to live.

2. The second level is called lobo is used to store food ingredients.

3. The third level is called lentar to store plant seeds.

4. Level four is called lempa rae to store food reserves,

5. Tingkan 5 is called hekang code as a place to store offerings.

Traditional house of Sao Ria Tenda Bewa Moni

Just like the Wae Rebo area which has traditional houses, several other areas in East Nusa Tenggara also have traditional houses that are just as unique. This traditional house is known as Sao Ria Tenda Bewa Moni Koanara. This house is unique in that the material is made from thatched roof in a cone shape and touches the ground.

This NTT traditional house also has three different types, namely:

1. Tents Bewa Moni Koanara or standard house as a place to store the bones of the ancestors

2. Residential

3. Rice granary.

The house in this traditional house is marked in front of it with a buffalo head.

4. Traditional clothing

NTT has several tribes from some of these tribes who have their own traditional clothes, here are some traditional clothes found in East Nusa Tenggara. Here’s the explanation:

Rote Tribe Traditional Clothing

This traditional clothing from the Rote tribe is representative of the NTT traditional clothing which is well known throughout Indonesia. Clothing has a unique design and historical value. The uniqueness of this traditional clothing can be seen from Ti’i langga.

Ti’i langga is a hat that looks like a typical Mexican sombrero hat, a hat made of dry palm leaves. This hat serves as a symbol of the confidence and dignity of men from the Rote tribe.

Traditional clothing of the Sabu tribe

The traditional clothing of the Sabu tribe is a white shirt with long sleeves for men, shawls and subordinates. The shawl used is a woven sarong slung over the shoulder. In addition, there is still a headband made of gold, a mutisalak necklace, a pocket belt, and a neck necklace.

While for women only in the form of kebaya and woven cloth. This woven or pending cloth is a sarong tied to the waist.

Helong Tribe Traditional Clothing

This traditional clothing consists of two types. Namely

1. For men in the form of a large blanket tied to the waist as a subordinate, a bodo shirt or shirt, a headband as a headband and a habas or necklace.

2. For women in the form of kebaya, kemben, crescent-shaped head jewelry. There are also additional accessories such as gold sashes, sarongs, earrings or karabu and shaped necklaces

The Dawan Tribe’s NTT Traditional Clothing

The traditional clothing of the Dawan tribe is called “amarasi”. This clothing is specifically for men, consisting of cloth blankets, weaving, bodo clothes. This outfit is also equipped with several accessories such as necklaces, headbands with pearl ornaments, timor bracelets and muti-salak. While the traditional clothes of the Dawan tribe for women consist of woven sarongs, scarves and kebaya.

Usually for this additional outfit decorated with muti bark necklaces, hairpins, head bracelets, and gold combs.

5. Traditional Dance

East Nusa Tenggara Province has several traditional dances, namely:

Bolelebo Dance

This NTT dance is used as a welcome dance to welcome guests. Pepuan, they usually wear traditional Rote clothes.

Caci dance

The Caci dance is a type of war dance as well as folk games. This dance comes from the Flores area, this dance involves two men. One man armed with a whip acted as attacker and the other defended with a shield (shield).

This dance is played during harvest season events (hang woja) and New Year rituals (penti).

Gawi Dance

Gawi dance is one of the traditional dances of Ende Lio. The origin of the name of the dance is taken from several words, namely “Ga” which means reluctant or hesitant and “Wi” which means interesting. Through the combination of the two words, we can understand the Gawi Dance to unite ourselves. The dancers hold each other and form a circle.

Ja’i dance

Ja’i dance is a typical dance of the Ngada tribe in Ngada Regency on the island of Flores. This dance was born as part of the Sa’o Ngaza rite, which is a ceremony meant to express gratitude and joy. This dance is a type of mass dance or communal dance. Usually this dance is held in the middle of the village accompanied by gong and drum or drum instruments.

Kataga dance

Kataga is a community dance on the island of Sumba. A war dance that has existed since the megalithic era. In Anakalang (Sumba at that time) there were almost always wars between clans. Carrying the head of the enemy to hang at the uma adung is a tradition of the victorious side.

Lego-Lego dance

Another NTT traditional is Lego-Lego, a typical dance of Alor. This is an ancestral cultural heritage that was created to remind the importance of unity, to build villages and the country.

Likurai dance

Likurai is an NTT dance originating from the Belu community. This is a welcoming dance that was used to greet fighters after fighting.

Tifa dance

Tifa dance is a musical instrument typical of people in eastern Indonesia, including in NTT. This traditional musical instrument is often part of other arts, including dance.

Dodakado dance

Dodakado is a dance that also includes folk games in the Alor Islands. Dodakado is an entertainment that describes the joy of young people during traditional festivals to get to know and explore Indonesian culture originating from the Province of East Nusa Tenggara? Come on, visit Indonesia and get interesting information from