Mangongkal holi is an original tradition of the Batatak tribe culture, namely moving the bones of the ancestors or parents from the old cemetery and placing them back in a place, precisely in a new burial monument. Mangongkal holi is one of the cultural treasures of the Toba Batak community which is still preserved until now.

There is no definite record regarding the origin of this mangokkal holi ceremony. However, traditionally it is said that this ceremony will exist if it turns out that the spirit of one of the gay grandmothers in a family comes to a family member who is still alive, either through dreams or visions, and then begs to move his bones to a better place. worthy.

The Batak Mangongkal Holi ceremony is performed by a group of clans to erect a monument or grave for their ancestors. The new graves are usually in the form of Tugu monuments as a marker of the origin of the ancestors or ancestors of this clan. The technical and implementation process of the mangongkal holi tradition is carried out by removing the bones of the ancestors (called Oppung) which have long died. In the lineage of the Batak clan, it starts with the first, second, third and so on.

One grave (Monument Tugu) can accommodate more than four or more Ancestral Bodies and put in, depending on the size of the monument and the number of clan genealogies that Holi (bones) want to include.

If one day a Batak child overseas is asked where his clan is from, the Ancestral Tugu Monument is a marker of the origin of his clan and the existence of ancestral Holi in the grave in the form of a monument or monument. So, Indonesia has many very unique cultures. Come on, get interesting information from