Alkisah, live a couple living in a village on Belitung Island. Despite living in poverty, they remain peaceful and happy. However, they do not have children yet. They do not despair, almost every time they pray to God.

“Oh God! Give us a child, even a little! ” That is the prayer they always pray. Not long after the wife was pregnant.

A few months later, the wife gave birth. How surprised they were, when they saw the baby was only as small as a little. Therefore, they named him Little.

At first they found it difficult to accept. Although his body is very small, but the Little One is able to consume a lot of food. Their patience seemed to disappear in the face of the very greedy Little One. Finally, they agreed to throw the Little One away.

One day, the father took the Little One to the forest to look for wood. Arriving in the middle of the forest, the father immediately cut down a large tree that was directed to his son. Moments later, the big tree collapsed on the Little One. After confirming and believing that his son was dead, the father immediately returned to his home. Hearing her husband’s story, the wife became happy. They forget that killing their own child is a reprehensible act.

Bang! From today, our life will be calm, “said the wife to her husband. Just as the words came out of his wife’s mouth, suddenly there was a shout from outside the house.

Dad…! Dad…! Where is this wood? ” A loud voice was heard from outside the house.

His wife also asked, “Bang! Isn’t that child dead? ” his wife asked in surprise.

“Come on, let’s see!” exclaimed the curious husband. They were very surprised to see the Little One was carrying a large tree on his shoulder. After placing the big stick, the Little One immediately looked for food in his house. Feeling hungry, he also consumed a basket of rice. While his father and mother just sat there staring at their son, did not know what to do.

Short story, although it has been removed several times, but it still comes back. It makes no sense to remove it from their lives. When he saw the Little One was so hungry to eat and seemed to never know the evil intentions of his parents, they finally realized. The Little One is his flesh and blood, he should be well cared for. From that moment on, they accepted Si Kelingking’s condition as it was. It turns out that the presence of the Little One is very useful, with his great energy, the Little One is able to do heavy work. Eventually their lives became better, the Little One became an additional source of income for his family.

Moral message from the Children’s Picture Fairy Tale Group: The Little One is every speech is a prayer and do not look down on others, and a person’s life and matt are determined by God not by man