Home Food Rujak Daun Ubi Kembang Papaya, Indonesian Food from Bangka Belitung

Rujak Daun Ubi Kembang Papaya, Indonesian Food from Bangka Belitung


Indonesia is a country that has a variety of delicious traditional foods. One of them is called Rujak Daun Ubi Kembang Papaya. This salad is very different from other rujak in general. This traditional food from the Bangka Belitung area is rujak which contains sweet potato leaves and papaya leaves or young kates.

Both types of vegetables must be boiled and sauteed first with spices in the form of onions, chilies, shrimp paste, and salt, before serving.

Even though it does not contain various kinds of fruit and vegetables like rujak in general, it is still favored by many people because besides being delicious, this salad also has many health benefits.

Are you interested in trying to eat Rujak Daun Ubi Kembang Papaya? Come on, get interesting culinary references from Indonesia from Indonesiar.com.