Implants are foreign objects that are inserted into a person’s body spiritually to gain an advantage or strength. The foreign object is generally a small needle. The advantages in question are in the form of spiritual protection, attracting the opposite sex, increasing attractiveness, and physical strength, all of which are a form of suggestion by someone who has used the implant.

In Indonesia, implants are not new. Then, what is implant actually? Here is the full explanation:

Implants, the seductive needle

Apart from using the help of cosmetics and doctors, some people rely on the supernatural powers of a shaman as an alternative way to look beautiful. The implant itself is a kind of amulet which is generally made of gold or other precious metals such as silver mixed with copper. The implant is inserted into the soft tissue of the body, so that it is not visible from the outside.

Implants are believed to be youthful, improve beauty, health and well-being. Implants, or what in English are called charm needles, are not only found in Indonesia.

Quoted from the health journal The Charming Tale of Charm Needles, the phenomenon of implants is also commonly found in Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand.

The majority of implant users want to keep the needle secret. However, they usually need medical treatment for some reason. And not infrequently it is not accidental from the results of the radiography that the use of implants is revealed.

Are Implants Dangerous?

Still quoted from the same journal, implants generally do not cause complications. Implants usually remain intact for many years, but can break into small pieces due to corrosion and muscle contraction.

However, placing a foreign object into the body can also increase the risk of infection, either after insertion or at a later date, requiring surgical removal.

Meanwhile, based on belief, as quoted from the journal Incidental Radiographic Finding of Charm Needle or “Implant” in Orthodontic Panoramic and Lateral Cephalometric Radiograph by Walianto et al, implants need to be taken before someone dies.

The appointment must also be done by “smart people” who really understand things like this. There are also those who believe that if the body of a deceased person still has an implant, they will experience a difficult death process.

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Source: wikipedia, kumparan