Sambu Island is one of the historic islands in the Batam Island area of ​​the Riau Islands Province. The island before being shaded by the state-owned company Pertamina was under the auspices of PT. Shell. Sambu Island has an oval shape when viewed from the air and is shaped like a person lying down. This island has a twin named Pulau Anak Sambu or known as Pulau Sambu Kecil. This island used to have a sufficient population and has very high historical values.

Sambu Island was once a stronghold of the Dutch during the colonial era. Sambu Island was built as an oil terminal on August 16, 1897 long before Batam City was founded.

Apart from being an oil terminal, Sambu Island is also the Old City which is now more than 115 years old. The city of a former sub-district in Riau Islands Regency, now the island of Sambu is part of the administrative area of ​​the Batam City Government. Some old buildings built by PT. Pertamina such as welcome towers, guest houses, churches, mosques, temples, tombs of Bugis kings, post offices, cinemas, school buildings, luxury Dutch style houses, swimming pools on the beach, Pertamina polyclinic, as well as several palm inscriptions of Pertamina operational managers for Sambu Island, and several oil bunkers owned by Pertamina.

Sambu Island is the base for oil and Gas storage (now called Pertamina) in the past, as well as the entrenched Dutch colonialists in 1718 who controlled several islands and Malay kingdoms such as Bintan, Tumasik kingdom and Sambu Island. Some of the Dutch heritage is a residence and a tank the oil reservoir is still the island’s main land mark.

This island has beautiful ocean views and is located exactly opposite the country of Singapore. To see the moment of fireworks in Singapore is very easy to see on the island of Sambu. This island is very limited and to visit this island you must make a visit permit from the manager of the island of Sambu. So, are you interested in visiting Sambu Island? Come on, keep on being loyal reader of