In Indonesia, it’s always easy to find breakfast food vendors selling Nasi Kuning every morning. Yellow rice in Indonesia is sometimes called turmeric rice. Nasi Kuning is a fragrant Indonesian rice dish cooked with coconut milk and turmeric. This food is called yellow rice because it has a characteristic yellow color.

In Indonesian culture, yellow rice has a preferred symbolic meaning. The yellow rice was thought to resemble a pile of gold, so it was often served at celebratory occasions; including parties, house moving, welcoming guests and opening ceremonies – as symbols of good luck, prosperity, wealth and dignity.

Yellow rice is quite widespread and can be found in Indonesian culture. Can be found from Java to Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. However, this is most closely related to Javanese and Minahasa traditions.

In Java, yellow rice can be in the form of tumpeng and is usually eaten on special occasions. The top of the tumpeng is usually given to the most senior person present. One of the most popular variants of yellow rice comes from Manado in North Sulawesi, which uses skipjack.

The addition of turmeric and coconut milk, sometimes including pandanus and lemongrass during the cooking and steaming process of the rice, contributes to the seductive color, pleasant fragrance, soft texture and savory taste of yellow rice. Certain spices, such as cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and bay leaf, can be added to complete this fragrant rice dish.

Yellow rice is usually served with various side dishes such as shredded omelette, serundeng (grated coconut and spices flavor), urap (vegetables in grated coconut sauce), anchovies (fried anchovies and peanuts), fried chili sauce. spicy potatoes, fried chicken, balado prawns (prawns in chilies), or cakes (fried potatoes).

More elaborate yellow rice might include fried beef brains, fried beef lungs, beef and seafood. Usually yellow rice is served with prawn crackers (prawn crackers) or chips and cucumber and tomatoes which are cut with decorations.

So, are you interested in trying this one Indonesian culinary delicacy? Come on, try eating traditional Indonesian culinary