Ujung Kulon National Park is located about 300 km from the capital city of Jakarta or about 140 km from Serang, the capital of Banten Province, Ujung Kulon National Park has an area of ​​122,955 hectares consisting of 78,619 hectares of land area and 44,337 hectares of ocean.

This national park stretches across the Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Panaitan Island, Peucang Island, Handeleum Island and the Honje Mountains. Administratively, Ujung Kulon National Park is located within the Sumur and Cimanggu Districts, in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province.

The Javan rhino is known as the largest animal in Java and the second largest animal in Indonesia after the Asian elephant. These extraordinary creatures are extremely rare and barely visible.

Some local residents even consider the Javan rhino to be more than just an animal but almost like an ancient creature that is almost sacred. Apart from the Javan Rhino, Ujung Kulon National Park is also home to many other unique animals.

There are two ways to visit Ujung Kulon National Park. By charter boat from Carita Beach and overland by car via Labuan to Tamanjaya or Sumur.

If you take the sea route, it is about a 2-3 hour boat trip from Carita Beach to Peucang Island where accommodation and the national park representative office are located.

If you take the land route, from Jakarta you can go to Serang, the capital city of Banten via the toll road for about 2 hours. From Serang, you continue westward to Labuan, in Pandeglang Regency for approximately 2 hours.

The small town of Labuan is the location of the main office of the Ujung Kulon National Park (Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan No 51). From Labuan, the road continues towards Panimbang, Sumur, and Tamanjaya for a little over 2 hours.

Some roads may be narrow and not in good condition, so drivers must be prepared and. Stay alert.

The Ujung Kulon National Park Office area II Handeleum and Tamanjaya provides admission tickets, insurance, and general information about the National Park.

The office is located in Tamanjaya Village near the Tamanjaya pier. All requirements for tourist activities such as boat rental, local guide, porters and more, can be arranged at the office.

So, are you interested in visiting Ujung Kulon National Park? Come on, visit interesting areas in Indonesia