The Government of Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) in the last two days conveyed the addition of two positive cases of COVID-19 who work as bank employees in this area.

“Yes, today there is an additional positive case in Payakumbuh, CM (30), a woman, a resident of Koto Tangah Village, West Payakumbuh Subdistrict, working at a BCA bank,” said Head of Payakumbuh City Health Service Bakhrizal, in Payakumbuh, Thursday.

Whereas on the previous day, there were seven Bank Mandiri Syariah employees in Payakumbuh who tested positive for COVID-19, but six of them were not citizens with Payakumbuh ID cards.

The only bank employee who is a resident of Payakumbuh is AY (21), a woman who lives in Ibuh Village, West Payakumbuh.

Furthermore, four residents of Limapuluh Kota Regency, namely SAE (23), MGI (31) WS (29) women, IW (31) men. After that, RR (33), a man from Sungayang, Tanah Datar Regency, and EF (34) man, a resident of Garegeh, Bukittinggi City.

“We have conducted contact tracing for patients who come from Payakumbuh, while those who are not from Payakumbuh we have coordinated to their respective areas,” he also said.

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After that, his party has also asked for the data of the people who perform services at the bank to be called to do a swab test.

Bakhrizal also appealed to the public who had direct contact with a patient exposed to COVID-19, especially during the last 14 days to report to the nearest health center.

He said the Payakumbuh City Government also provides free swab test facilities to the public, namely at the Old Town Hall yard, Bukik Sibaluik, Ngalau area.

“Those who have direct contact do not be afraid, this is not a disgrace for those who are in contact or who are positive. Public awareness will be able to reduce the spread of COVID-19,” he also said.

Source: Antara