If the Betawi people are familiar with pletok beer and people in the Dieng Plateau have purwaceng as a nutritious traditional drink, the Sundanese also have it. His name is Bajigur. I don’t know where the toponymy comes from, but what is certain is that Bajigur has a fresh taste as well as nutritious.

Although originating from West Java, Bajigur traders are often found around Jakarta. Bajigur traders usually use carts. Inside the cart, there is a stove that is used to warm bajigur. Therefore, the bajigur that is sold in a cart is always served warm.

How to make Bajigur is very easy. Bang Udin, one of the Bajigur traders who sells in Situ Babakan, revealed that the ingredients in the form of ginger, coconut milk, palm sugar, and salt are mixed together. After mixing, the ingredients are cooked while stirring. When cooked, the mixture is added with vanilla. If desired, the dough can be added with a little coffee or fro.

Bajigur will be more delicious if drunk warm. However, many people also like to drink it cold by mixing ice cubes.

Bajigur is perfect to enjoy on cold afternoons or when it rains. This drink will taste very delicious when served with boiled cassava or sweet potato.]

If the Betawi people are familiar with pletok beer and people in the Dieng Plateau have purwaceng as a nutritious traditional drink, the Sundanese also have it. His name is Bajigur. I don’t know where the toponymy comes from, but what is certain is that Bajigur has a fresh taste as well as nutritious.

Although originating from West Java, Bajigur traders are often found around Jakarta. Bajigur traders usually use carts. Inside the cart, there is a stove that is used to warm bajigur. Therefore, the bajigur that is sold in a cart is always served warm.

How to make Bajigur is very easy. Bang Udin, one of the Bajigur traders who sells in Situ Babakan, revealed that the ingredients in the form of ginger, coconut milk, palm sugar, and salt are mixed together. After mixing, the ingredients are cooked while stirring. When cooked, the mixture is added with vanilla. If desired, the dough can be added with a little coffee or fro.

Bajigur will be more delicious if drunk warm. However, many people also like to drink it cold by mixing ice cubes.

Bajigur is perfect to enjoy on cold afternoons or when it rains. This drink will taste very delicious when served with boiled cassava or sweet potato.

Source Indonesiakaya