Tuyul (Javanese: thuyul) in the mythology of the island of Java, and its surroundings, especially in Java, is a subtle creature in the form of a dwarf with a bald head of the Ifrit genie. Other depictions that everyone disagrees with are silvery skin, social in character (in the sense of having a community and a leader), and sounding like a chicks. Tuyul can be employed by a human employer for certain reasons, especially stealing (money). To ward off tuyul, people put yuyu in a number of corners of the house because tuyul is believed to like yuyu so he forgets the tasks assigned to him by the owner.

Some Indonesians believe that tuyul comes from the fetus of a person who miscarried or a baby that died at birth. Because they come from babies, the tuyul’s character is also like a child: likes to play (such as reports of people seeing a number of tuyul playing in the middle of the night, etc.). In Islam Tuyul is categorized as the jinn group of the Ifrit type.

Source: wikipedia