The traditional house of Kalimantan – Kalimantan is very rich with various kinds of culture, from natural resources, culinary to traditional houses. Like other areas in Indonesia, Kalimantan also has traditional houses with its own characteristics, most of which are made of wood with tall and elongated shapes.

The shape of the traditional Kalimantan house adapts to its geographical natural conditions which are filled with forests and large trees, so that the house that is built must be strong and can protect its residents from wild animals and extreme weather.

The following are some traditional houses in Kalimantan with very unique building designs and uphold existing traditional values.

1. Betang House, Traditional House of Central Kalimantan

Rumah Betang is one of the typical traditional houses of Kalimantan which is widely spread in the upstream area of ​​the river and is the residence of the Dayak tribe.

Rumah Betang is located in a watershed because many Dayak tribes use the river as their transportation route. The Dayak tribe usually uses river flow as a means of trading, exchanging goods, going to the fields or carrying out other daily activities.

In terms of building shape, the betang house has an elongated shape even up to 150 meters with a width of 30 meters with a stage type as high as 3-5 meters to avoid flooding during the rainy season.

Betang houses are usually not inhabited by one family, but can be inhabited by several families with each cubicle that has been sealed off.

2. Long House, Traditional House of West Kalimantan

Like the betang house, the long house is also inhabited by many families. long house has 50 rooms with many kitchens that can accommodate each family in each room that has been provided.

This typical West Kalimantan long house is usually built on the ground with a height of 5-8 meters like a house on stilts. To enter a long house is provided a rung called a tangka. This house has a building width of about 6 meters and a length of up to 186 meters.

3. Lamin House, Traditional House of East Kalimantan

Rumah Lamin is a traditional house of the Dayak tribe in the area of ​​East Kalimantan. The lamin house is elongated and the type of stage. The length of the lamin house can reach 200 meters and the distance under the house is about 3 meters. The lamin house is inhabited by several families separated by each room.

The front of the house serves to receive guests and traditional ceremonies, while the back contains rooms that have very large sizes. The lamin house is supported by large pillars from the base of the house holding the roof and under the house, the poles are usually carved with a distinctive motive Dayak tribe with the aim of driving away evil spirits.

The floor of this house consists of neatly arranged wooden beams, the entrance is from the side with several doors connected by stairs.

4. Rumah Banjar, Traditional House of South Kalimantan

The Banjar Bubungan Tinggi House or commonly known as the Banjar House is the traditional house of the Banjar tribe in South Kalimantan.This traditional house has a tapered roof with a 45 degree angle, the banjar house is thought to have existed  since the 16th century when the banjar area was under the rule of the prince of the ocean.

Initially, this traditional house building had a rectangular construction extending to the front. However, in its development the shape was later added to the left and right side which was called anjung. And slightly to the back plus a room that has the same length.

5. Rumah Baloy, Traditional House of North Kalimantan

The Baloy Traditional House is a typical traditional house of North Kalimantan, this traditional house is in the form of a stage which is built using ironwood, the use of ironwood because it is very hard, ironwood is also used as a building material for other traditional houses in Kalimantan.

This traditional house has a characteristic form of carvings with coastal motifs which are mostly occupied by the Tidung tribe. The direction of the Baloy house is unique in that it is arranged in such a way facing north with the main door facing south.

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