The system of life of the Balinese people called Wangsa is different from the color chess in the Vedas, the dynasty is a family system organized according to lineage. Although today it is no longer as rigid as it was in the past, but in some respects it is still maintained. For example, in the tradition of customary ceremonies and weddings, differences are still known based on ancestral lineage that led to the dynasty in the past.

This dynasty system began in the 14th century when the Kingdom of Bali was conquered by Majapahit. Initially, this dynasty was created and intended to differentiate between the rulers of Majapahit from Java who were given the power to rule in Bali with the conquered local community. They and their families who come from Majapahit despite being a minority, but fully hold all the affairs of state life. They formed their own upper class social strata that culminated in the Kepakisan Dynasty, which originated in Majapahit.

They ruled the entire island of Bali by dividing the power between them, their commanders and their descendants. The kings, nobles, priests, royal officials, military officials, royal servants, and their families who came from Java (Majapahit) created the top 3 classes for them.

For priest and religious leaders were given the position of Brahmins.

For the King, the nobles, the nobles of the kingdom, and his army were given the color of a Knight.

For royal servants, gun makers, scholars, etc. who are from Java are given the color Waisya.

As for the conquering Balinese people, the majority of whom are not given a position. They are all included in the lowest class in Bali known as “Jaba”. This also applies to the descendants of the family of the ancient Balinese rulers pre-Majapahit from the Warmadewa Dynasty who melted into the Jaba community after losing their power.

This dynasty system was initially also created as a profession distribution channel that has the right to be passed down to the next generation and should not be taken by other dynasties. In addition, it also occurs in religious ceremonies according to the position of their dynasty, related to the size of the ceremony and the number of offerings required of them. In practice it also applies to marriage, where a woman who comes from three dynasties marries a man from abroad will lose the rights of her dynasty as well as her offspring. Similarly, on the contrary, their wives were given the right to ride the Wangsa with traditional ceremonies on the Wangsa of their husbands. The woman who had ascended the Dynasty because of this marriage was later called Jero. All their legitimate descendants are entitled to the same lineage as their father in accordance with Paternalistic rules.

This dynastic system is still strongly maintained in the Balinese naming system. They give the prefix of a name indicating their family lineage.

Source :wikipedia